discover the winner of season 2

Keiona won the second season of Drag Race France. She succeeds Paloma.

They were eleven candidates in the running to hope to succeed Paloma, the winner of the first season: Cookie Kunty, Ginger Bitch, Kitty Space, Keiona, Lily Moon, Mami Watta, Piche, Punani, Rose, Sara Forever and Vespi.

The result has just fallen. It was Keiona who won the second season of Drag Race France. Moon was crowned Miss Sympathy.

The final was filmed on August 20 at the Grand Rex in Paris. Only 2800 people were able to attend the event. Testimony of the phenomenon that has become the show, more than 40,000 people had registered to get a place.

Soon on tour

Popular for ten years, drag race is originally an American program where ten drag queens – men who dress up as women to perform on stage – compete to become the next great drag queen.

In the wake of season 2, the candidates will perform from September 7 at the Casino de Paris and will begin a tour throughout France, which will notably pass through Strasbourg, Lyon, Toulouse and Marseille.

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