Disappeared for several days, the cyclist was found dead

The body of the cyclist missing since Thursday was found in Cabestany, in the Pyrénées-Orientales. Leaving Saleilles, a town located a few kilometers south-east of Perpignan, this 45-year-old father had not given any signs of life since leaving his home.

A search had been organized on Sunday in Saint-Marsal, where his phone would have stopped one last time. But these last technical data intrigued the investigators because this same telephone had bounded less than three quarters of an hour earlier in Cabestany, a town located about fifty kilometers further north. A distance that is difficult to achieve by bike in such a short time.

Autopsy performed in the next few days

A judicial investigation for worrying disappearance had been opened by the gendarmerie. With the discovery of the body, an investigation to find the causes of death is now open by the prosecution. An autopsy will be performed in the coming days to determine the reasons for his death. The forty-year-old was presented as depressed in recent weeks by his companion who had given the alert, not seeing him return.

The autopsy should make it possible to understand the circumstances of this tragedy, in particular whether it is a suicide, an accident or a murder. The gendarmes are not ruling out any leads at this stage of the investigation.

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