Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: what is “net monitoring”, this innovative technique which completely relaunch the investigation?

A technique which notably made it possible to establish that her telephone had never left the marital home, contrary to what her husband claims.

L’Jubillar case is she at a turning point? Disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, the mystery surrounding Delphine, nurse and mother of two children, navigates in a total fog. And if the overwhelming evidence is sorely lacking to the investigators, justice has pointed the finger at the main suspect : her husband, Cedric Jubillar. Indicted on June 18, 2021, this plasterer craftsman was immediately imprisoned in the Seysses remand center, near Toulouse. Since then, all his requests for release have failed.

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Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: new evidence added to the file, Cédric Jubillar will have to explain himself

The latest: this Thursday. A refusal coupled with another summons before the judges in charge of the investigation this Friday. In effect, a new expertise has recently been added to the file. According to the findings, the Delphine’s phone would have always stayed at the couple’s home. An assertion that undermines Cédric Jubillar’s thesis that Delphine would have gone out for a dog walk, taking her mobile, a Huawei P30 Pro, with her.

To arrive at such assertions, the investigators used an innovative technique in police investigations: the net monitoring.

IT experts

Indeed, in a first expertise, the gendarmes had established that the telephone had been limited within a radius of 2 km around the home. But in order to push the investigations further, they called on computer experts in order to perform… “net monitoring”. In other words “an in-depth analysis of telephone relay coverage in a given area”, according to RTL. In order to detect the activity on the famous networks, in particular “the connection between the cell of the nearest relay antenna and the device”, summarizes 20 minutes.

“They selected with an expert eight points in Cagnac-les-Mines and only two, in rue Yves Montand at the level of the Jubillar house, are compatible with the cells activated on the thirteen telephone relays in the area on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020., continues RTL. Experts who nevertheless warn about the accuracy of their results, in particular because of the network architecture, which has been different since 2020.

An innovative technique but which was highly contested by the defense lawyers, who could not prevent their client from having to explain himself again this Friday.

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