Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: did her husband Cédric manipulate and then destroy his wife’s phone?

the essential
A technical expertise relating to the activity of the telephone of Delphine Jubillar, the night of her disappearance, December 16, 2020 in the Tarn, could accredit the thesis of a manipulation of her husband Cédric.

Does a new expertise carried out by technicians from the gendarmerie specializing in telephony put an end to the mystery of the hitherto unexplained activations of Delphine Jubillar’s mobile phone?
When the nurse disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in Cagnac-les-Mines (81), her Huawei P30 Pro phone, still untraceable, was activated six times from 0:07 a.m. to 6:52 a.m. which can only be the result of human intervention.

A signal very close to home

However, we learn from reading these expert reports, which relate to the network activity of the telephone line of the missing nurse, that her device, during the night of December 16, 2020, would be located precisely within a radius extremely close to the Jubillar house, in Cagnac, or even in an area at the very heart of the rue Yves-Montand housing estate. In any case, this is what results from net monitoring, that is to say network activities between the transmission of the telephone and a nearby relay terminal which reacts to its presence.

This investigation technique on mobile telephony nevertheless remains very rare in criminal cases because it is deemed insufficiently reliable. It depends in particular on the weather conditions and it can be interfered with by load shedding phenomena between the various relay terminals.

Dependent item

Despite everything, the investigators and the examining magistrates have with this technical expertise a charge against Cédric Jubillar, the main suspect in the investigation into the murder of his wife. If we consider that the nurse’s phone is located very close to the couple’s house, or even inside the house, on the night of December 16, 2020, all suspicions then turn, once again , towards this man who remains the last (known) to have seen Delphine Jubillar alive.

Is he behind the last activation of his wife’s phone, at 6:52 a.m.? The investigators of the research section and the investigating judges take this hypothesis seriously in view of this new expertise.

The response of Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers

Cédric Jubillar’s lawyers, Mes Martin, Franck and Alary, however, provide a counterpoint to this hypothesis: “At 6:52 a.m., Cédric Jubillar was in the presence of the gendarmes so he cannot, at that time, manipulate his wife’s phone . He does not have the codes to activate it. »

Disappeared on the night of December 15 to 16, 2020, in Cagnac-les-Mines, Delphine Jubillar, 33, whose body remains untraceable, had to start a new life with another man and had asked for a divorce. A situation badly experienced by Cédric Jubillar. 35 years old, imprisoned for 15 months and still claiming his innocence.

Read also :
INFO THE DEPECHE. Disappearance of Delphine Jubillar: her husband Cédric released under bracelet? A feasibility study is underway

He is heard this Friday, September 23 by the investigating judges at the Toulouse courthouse. His lawyers filed a request for release earlier this week. A feasibility study was ordered by the courts this summer to assess the conditions for placing Cédric Jubillar under an electronic bracelet, in a dwelling in Occitania.

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