DIRECT. July 14: after the parade, Macron prepares to resume the presidential interview


Nathalie Arthaud, not a fan of July 14?

On Twitter, the former FO presidential candidate, Nathalie Arthaud, claims to have been invited to attend the July 14 parade. But she preferred to decline. “The sacred union for an imperialist policy, I fight it”, she justifies.


Live interview with the Head of State at 1:10 p.m.

President Emmanuel Macron is preparing to give the first television interview of his second five-year term on the occasion of the national holiday on July 14. The Head of State will be at 1:10 p.m. on the France 2 and TF1 channels to “set the course, the broad lines of the policies that must be conducted”, in a complex domestic political context after the setback of his coalition in the June legislative elections which deprived him of an absolute majority in the National Assembly.

Emmanuel Macron completes the troop review and talks with the new Chief of Staff on July 14. Philipe de Poulpiquet/LP

The Head of State should return to two essential points:

  • The domestic political situation.
  • The government’s agenda and the measures to be taken to mitigate the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine.


After Uber, links with Amazon

An article from Mediapart, who was able to consult exchanges dating from the second half of 2017 between advisers to Emmanuel Macron and lobbyists and Amazon executives, reveals that Jean Gonié, head of public affairs for the American company, worked with the teams of LREM during the presidential campaign. In particular, he would have “pushed” the theme “of the transformation of France into a champion of online commerce and logistics”.


July 14, subject of division between Hidalgo and Lallement

In a letter addressed to the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin, the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo accuses Didier Lallement of an “unprecedented and unconcerted disengagement” of the police headquarters from the “perimeter of the Champ de Mars”, for the fire fireworks this Thursday evening, which “jeopardizes the reception in the best security conditions of the 70,000 people” expected. “Again, the prefect of police is playing with the safety of Parisians and visitors to the capital by weakening at the last moment a joint city-prefecture of police system, however robust and proven”, writes the elected official.

For its part, the police headquarters denies and assures that 1,500 police and gendarmes will be mobilized this evening.

“It is up to the city of Paris, organizer of the event, to ensure the management of access for spectators wishing to attend the fireworks”, recalls the prefecture.



The Senate, a hope for the government?

While the health bill has been adopted but amputated from a key article, Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne appeals to senators, who will now observe the text. Mainly on the right, the Senate wants to be the chamber of the “reasonable opposition”. All the details on the subject can be read in our article.


Follow the July 14 parade with Le Parisien


Renaud Muselier launches his party

The ex-LR Renaud Muselier, launches his local party “Cap sur l’Avenir – Nos Territoires d’abord” in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region, of which he is president. He had left the Republicans in November, whom he blamed for their drift towards the far right. His party will be officially presented at the start of the school year.


Emmanuel Macron on the Champs

The Head of State descends the Champs-Élysées for the July 14 parade, aboard a military vehicle which first circled the Arc de Triomphe.


“It’s over, the government of Jupiter”

“Madame Borne must come back down to Earth. It’s over the government of Jupiter, she can no longer speak to the Assembly as if she were at his command, this is no longer the case, “judge Gilles Platret, the vice-president of the Republicans, after the first passage in the Hemicycle of the health bill, which has been partly scraped. “We don’t have to give air to this government, our deputies were not elected for that. We must remain a form of alternation, ”he says on Sud Radio.


The vice-president of the Republicans wants the resignation of Darmanin

“The Minister of the Interior knowingly lied. When there is a State lie, now proven, it is not an apology that is needed, it is a resignation ”judge Gilles Platret, LR mayor of Chalon-sur-Saône and vice-president of the Republicans, on Sud Radio.

This Wednesday, the Senate presented its information report on the security fiasco of the Real Madrid-Liverpool match on May 28 at the Stade de France. It exonerates the supporters of the two camps, who had been designated as the main responsible for this fiasco by Gérald Darmanin, from all responsibility and points to the bad decisions made upstream and on D-Day.


Other former ministers in the list

Other former ministers are part July 14 graduates. The ex-tenant of Matignon, Jean Castex, as well as Roselyne Bachelot become commanders. former ministers Jean-Michel BlanquerFrançoise Parly and Jean-Yves Le Drian are on their side made officers.


Jean-Pierre Raffarin takes the lead

Former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin obtains the highest distinction of the Legion of Honor by becoming Grand Cross on the occasion of the traditional promotion of July 14.


The LRs want to enter the government

“I want us Republicans to enter the government,” pleads Philippe Juvin on CNews, wanting this to be done “on the basis of a discussion and a written program. We cannot be the spoils of war, as Damien Abad or Eric Woerth were, ”he tackles.


Should Caroline Cayeux leave?

“If she keeps her words, she must indeed leave. If she continues to believe what she said in 2013, it seems to me incompatible with the exercise of her functions, ”judge Philippe Juvin, on CNews, about the comments made by Caroline Cayeux on marriage for all. Questioned at the beginning of the week by Public Senate on old remarks considering the marriage of people of the same sex as a “reform of whim” and “a design that goes against nature”, the Minister in charge of Territorial Collectivities assured that she stood by her words before claiming to have friends “among these people”.


“Let the majority listen to us”, pleads the LRs

“We are not under orders” from the majority, reacts Philippe Juvin, who abstained from voting in particular on the use of the health pass at the borders. But he assures CNews that he “does not rule out voting it” at second reading “provided that we are heard. We are reasonable people, but we ask that the majority listen to us, ”he pleads.


Juvin asks for an apology

“It would be good form for the government to apologize”, judge Philippe Juvin, LR deputy for Hauts-de-Seine, on CNews the day after the presentation to the press, by the Senate, of an information report on the security fiasco of the Real Madrid-Liverpool match on May 28.


Passing laws, “difficult” but “possible”

“I was not very surprised to see LFI and the RN vote together” on the health bill, assures deputy David Amiel, deputy LREM. “But what shocked me was to see these coordinated explosions of joy” after the vote, he assures France info. Passing laws, “it’s going to be difficult and we’ve known that from the start, it’s going to take time but we’ll have progress, I think it’s possible”.


Beaune’s reaction to Cayeux’s comments

Invited to LCI this Wednesday evening, Clément Beaune reacted to the words of Caroline Cayeux, the Minister in charge of Local Authorities, who used the term “those people” to refer to same-sex marriage. “It is not for me to say” if she should resign, but “she had extremely hurtful remarks. I am one of those people,” commented the Minister for Transport.



Hi there !

Welcome to this new direct, dedicated to the political news of our country. Today, he will be particularly marked by the interview with Emmanuel Macron at the end of the July 14 parade, his first since his re-election last April.

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