Diplomacy: Scholz on inaugural visit to Greece

Scholz on an inaugural visit to Greece

Chancellor Olaf Scholz arrives at Athens International Airport. photo

© Soeren Stache/dpa

Tight program: After his lunch with French President Emmanuel Macron, Chancellor Olaf Scholz flew on to Greece.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) will meet Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the capital Athens on Thursday during his inaugural visit to Greece. One of the main issues is likely to be the territorial dispute between Greece and Turkey over Greek islands such as Rhodes, Kos and Lesbos in the eastern Mediterranean.

During a double visit to Athens and Turkey in July, Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) clearly sided with Greece and thus alienated the Turkish government. Ankara questions Athens’ sovereignty over the islands and demands the withdrawal of all Greek troops. The dispute is also about natural gas deposits in the eastern Mediterranean.

The armaments cooperation between the two countries is also likely to play a role in the talks. The federal government has agreed on a ring exchange with Greece in order to supply the Ukraine with 40 Soviet-designed BMP-1 infantry fighting vehicles, which Athens had once received from GDR stocks. The Greek armed forces will receive 40 German Marder armored personnel carriers. The first six arrived in Greece a few days ago.

To kick off the visit, Scholz will visit the ancient Acropolis, Greece’s biggest tourist attraction, with Mitsotakis.


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