Diplomacy: Netanyahu: Have a few months for agreements with Saudis

Netanyahu: Have a few months to make deals with Saudis

Benjamin Netanyahu: “I will do what is necessary to promote peace, which in the long term also serves Israel’s security interests.” photo

© Shir Torem/POOL FLASH 90/AP/dpa

During a speech at the UN, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu invoked the vision of a new Middle East through peace with Saudi Arabia. In an interview he now gives a time frame for a rapprochement.

The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sees a window of opportunity of a few months in efforts to reach an agreement with Saudi Arabia under US mediation. “If we don’t achieve it in the next few months, we could delay it for a few years,” Netanyahu told US broadcaster Fox News.

The Israeli leader expressed optimism about the possibility of an agreement with Riyadh. “I think we’re getting closer to peace every day.” Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had previously made similar comments on Fox News.

According to media reports, Saudi Arabia would recognize Israel as part of an agreement and in return would receive US security guarantees and help in setting up a civilian nuclear program. To achieve this, Israel would have to make extensive concessions to the Palestinians.

Netanyahu: Palestinians have not really sought a peaceful solution

Netanyahu said the Palestinians should be part of the process but not have veto power over it. He declined to comment on details of possible concessions to the Palestinians. He accused the Palestinian leadership of not really seeking a peaceful solution since the peace treaties were signed with Israel in 1993. “They don’t want a state next to Israel, they want a state instead of Israel,” Netanyahu said.

US President Joe Biden told him in an interview that he wanted to keep the political option of two states in the Middle East open. When asked how he plans to enforce possible concessions within his right-wing religious government, he said: “I will do what is necessary to advance peace, which in the long term also serves Israel’s security interests.” The coalition is not the issue. “The issue is what I believe are the important questions for Israel’s future.” He is convinced “that if we have a historic agreement that changes the Middle East – I think it changes the world, by the way – then I think everyone will be on board.”

Saudi Crown Prince “quite a visionary”

An agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia will also “change the relationship between Judaism and Islam” and impact Muslims worldwide, Netanyahu said. A rapprochement agreement between Israel and Saudi Arabia could create a geographical corridor between Asia and Europe and would represent an “amazing transformation,” Netanyahu said. He described the Saudi crown prince as “quite a visionary.”

Officially, Riyadh has no relations with Israel, but both countries have secretly been working together on security issues for a long time. The USA is Israel’s protective power and also an important ally for Saudi Arabia.


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