Diplomacy: G7 call on China to comply with international rules

G7 call on China to comply with international rules

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (3rd from left) and her counterparts from the G7 countries. photo

© Soeren Stache/dpa

With a view to the conflict over Taiwan, the G7 foreign ministers addressed clear words to Beijing. The group of seven also once again condemns Russia’s nuclear threats and intends to tighten sanctions.

The G7 group of economically strong democracies has called on China in clear words to comply with international rules. “We remind China of the need to uphold the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and to refrain from threats, coercion, intimidation or the use of force,” said a joint statement at the conclusion of the G7 foreign ministers’ meeting in Karuizawa, Japan . “There is no legal basis for China’s expansive maritime claims in the South China Sea, and we oppose China’s militarization activities in the region.”

“We reaffirm the importance of peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait as an indispensable element for security and prosperity in the international community, and call for a peaceful resolution of the problems between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. ” China regards Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic and threatens to conquer the democratic island republic. The G7 states emphasized: “We resolutely reject all unilateral attempts to change the status quo by force or coercion.”

The seven democratic governments also found clear words on human rights: they are concerned about human rights violations in Tibet and Xinjiang. China’s central government has long been accused of systematically repressing the Muslim Uyghurs in the western province.

G7 condemn ‘Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric’

The G7 countries are ready to tighten sanctions against Russia over the war of aggression against Ukraine. “We remain determined to intensify sanctions against Russia,” it said. “Coordination will be strengthened to prevent third-party arms deliveries to Russia.” Action would be taken against those who materially support Russia’s war against Ukraine.

The Round of Seven again called on Russia to withdraw immediately and unconditionally from Ukraine. The country will continue to be helped to repair infrastructure damaged by Russian attacks. The G7 countries condemned “Russia’s irresponsible nuclear rhetoric and its threat to deploy nuclear weapons in Belarus” as unacceptable. “Any use of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons by Russia would have serious consequences,” the final statement said.

Despite the criticism, the G7 want to work together on global challenges such as climate change. We are willing to “build constructive and stable relationships through dialogue and promote global economic recovery and people-to-people exchanges in a mutually beneficial manner.” In addition to Germany and Japan, the G7 also includes France, Italy, Canada, the USA and Great Britain.


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