Dilapidated Salzbachtalbrücke successfully blown up | STERN.de

See in the video: With a big bang – Dilapidated Salzbachtalbrücke in the Rhine-Main area blown up

Successful demolition of the Salzbachtalbrücke in Wiesbaden on Saturday shortly after 12 noon. The 310 meter long and about 30 meter high motorway bridge collapsed in a controlled manner and as planned. Around 220 kilograms of explosives were used for this. For safety reasons, however, no spectators were allowed on site. About 140 residents had to leave their homes for the demolition. The area was evacuated over a large area. The bridge was built in 1963 and was in operation until June 2021. It was closed after concrete parts fell on the main road below. The plan is for the bridge to be rebuilt by 2023.

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