Digital policy: Industry demands greater digital sovereignty from the G7

digital policy
Industry calls for greater digital sovereignty in the G7

The industry association BDI is hoping for progress in terms of digital sovereignty. Photo: Lino Mirgeler/dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

The war in Ukraine is also a hybrid conflict in which hacker attacks are used, among other things. Against the background of the war in Eastern Europe, a G7 ministerial meeting is now taking place.

When it comes to digital policy and cyber security, the industry association BDI calls for closer solidarity among the large democratic industrialized countries of the G7 group.

“The war in Ukraine is the wake-up call for greater digital sovereignty in the G7,” said BDI President Siegfried Russwurm, referring to a meeting of G7 digital ministers that begins today in Düsseldorf and is due to end on Wednesday with a joint final declaration.

“It is now important for the G7 countries to massively reduce their strategic dependence on authoritarian states,” said the industry representative. “We can only maintain our technological lead if the G7 countries and their companies jointly advance key technologies such as artificial intelligence.” It is time to forge alliances to procure raw materials for semiconductor production or to develop industrial cloud technology.

The BDI boss is currently also president of the so-called “Business 7” (B7), which is the economic equivalent of the political G7. The B7 are an amalgamation of the major industry associations in the G7 countries.

Sooty Worm: Investment in resilience needed

Russwurm emphasized that the economy of the G7 countries is very concerned about a significant increase in serious cyber attacks on companies, critical infrastructure and state institutions. “In Germany alone, almost 90 percent of companies were hit by cyber attacks last year.” Investments in resilience against hacker attacks are urgently needed for companies.

The meeting in Düsseldorf will deal with the question of how the seven states can pull together more closely on cyber security and other Internet issues. Germany is chairing the G7 this year. In addition to Germany, the group also consists of the USA, Canada, Italy, France, Great Britain and Japan. In addition to Federal Digital Minister Volker Wissing, EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager is also expected. The Ukrainian Minister Mykhailo Fedorov will take part as a guest and will be connected online.


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