Dieudonné fined 10,000 euros

The polemicist Dieudonné M’bala M’bala was sentenced to a fine of 10,000 euros, which can be transformed into prison in the event of non-payment, for racist insult towards the writer and actress Rachel Khan, we learned Friday with the lawyers for the civil parties. Dieudonné was sentenced on September 15 for having declared, in a video of October 6, 2020 in “response” to Rachel Khan: “you will remain a poor negress at the end of the story”.

The 17th correctional chamber of the Paris court also ordered him to pay 2,000 euros in damages to Rachel Khan, as well as a symbolic euro to the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (Licra), which had reported the video. , and a total of 3,000 euros in legal fees. Dieudonné’s lawyer said he had appealed the judgment.

“It is time for Dieudonné to stop taking refuge by claiming to be the victim of a ‘deepfake’ and to realize that he is fully responsible for the insulting and defamatory remarks he directs against each other”, reacted Me Ilana Soskin on behalf of the Licra.

Dieudonné had claimed to have been the victim of this very sophisticated digital trick technique consisting, among other things, of superimposing one face on another. Rachel Khan’s lawyer, Me Richard Malka, declared: “It seems to me interesting that Mr. M’bala M’bala is condemned for having used the word ‘negress’ in a racist manner, he who proclaims himself to be a defender of this cause “. Dieudonné has been convicted many times in recent years for racial slurs or incitement to hatred.

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