Die Toten Hosen: New music for the band’s anniversary

The dead trousers
New music for the band’s anniversary

At the end of May, Die Toten Hosen will publish their retrospective “Everything out of love: 40 years of Die Toten Hosen”.

© Tereza Mundilova c/o Shotview Artists

On the occasion of the band’s 40th birthday, Die Toten Hosen are presenting themselves and the fans with an extensive retrospective.

Die Toten Hosen, one of the most successful German bands, have been touring from stage to stage for 40 years now. For the anniversary, the group around singer Campino (59) publishes an “extensive work show”, as she announces on Instagram, among other things. “Everything out of love: 40 years of Die Toten Hosen” will be available from May 27th and will include 43 songs.

In addition to numerous hits, these also include seven new songs, three remixes of classics and three new recordings. The fresh songs include the new single “Scheiss Wessis”, which will be released on March 25th. Fans can already pre-order the compilation.

The tour will start in summer 2022

“None of us would have thought back then that today, 40 years later, after countless trials and tribulations, adventures, hits, bankruptcies, bad luck and breakdowns, we are still on the road together, and above all we still have fun together.” , writes the band among other things in the announcement.

A big anniversary tour is also planned for the summer of 2022. The first date is currently scheduled for June 10th in Cologne. Other concerts are taking place in Rostock, Munich, Düsseldorf, Vienna, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Zurich, Berlin and Bremen, among others. The last stop on the “Everything from Love – 40 Years Die Toten Hosen” tour is planned for September 10th in Minden.


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