Diderot, Colette, Balzac… Discover the subjects of the advance French tests

A great leap in literature. This Thursday morning, 547,146 pupils of 1st pass the anticipated French exams of the baccalaureate in general and technological streams.

In the general section, the subject of the commentary concerns a text by Diderot, Living room. In the dissertation, candidates have the choice between: “The pleasure of reading Manon Lescaut is it just the story of an amorous passion? », « Can we read The Skin of Sorrow like the picture of an exhausted world? and “Can we consider Sido and The tendrils of the vine as works of wonder? “.

In the technological field, the commentary relates to The Amorous Death by Théophile Gautier. Students must also make a text contraction. By choosing one of the three excerpts that inspire them the most.

They have 4 hours to compose, from 8 a.m. to noon. Good luck to them !

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