Did Olivier Véran reveal the vaccination status of Jean-Luc Mélenchon during debates in the Assembly?

Did Olivier Véran reveal the vaccination status of Jean-Luc Mélenchon? Pointing to a change in the position of the leader of La France Insoumise on messenger RNA vaccines, the Minister of Health attacked him on Monday, in the midst of a debate on the vaccination pass in the Assembly: “You spoke about this
“thing” Pfizer that you would never, ever receive. I believe you received your third dose of Pfizer sir. “

Questioned just after by the PCF deputy Jean-Paul Lecoq on the respect of medical confidentiality, the chair of the session, Annie Genevard, resumes then Olivier Véran: “Mr. Minister, I am not sure that the entire Assembly should be informed of the nature of the vaccine that Mr. Mélenchon received. “

Olivier Véran retorts then that “it is Mr. Mélenchon himself who said it in a public interview, otherwise I would not have allowed myself to say it”.


Monday morning, a few hours before the debate on the vaccination pass at the Assembly, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had confirmed at the microphone of France Inter to be vaccinated against Covid-19. However, he did not say whether he had received his third dose.

In November he had explained to BFMTV that he would go “to the end of the [….] even if[il avait] all kinds of reserves ”and that he would receive this third dose, as
had spotted himRelease. He explained that he had been vaccinated “to lower the risk”. And on December 3, at Jean-Jacques Bourdin’s, he
had confided have made an appointment for this third dose.

Jean-Luc Mélenchon had already confirmed on several occasions to be vaccinated, as in September on LCI, in October during a trip to Guyana or in November at the National Assembly and on TF1. Rebelote
in December traveling in Guadeloupe and Martinique.

If he does not fail to recall that he is vaccinated, Jean-Luc Mélenchon invites not to bet everything on the only vaccination card, “because we can be vaccinated, as is my case, and be contaminated and contaminate it. others “, he launched December 18 on TF1. However, the scientific community stresses that vaccines are effective in preventing severe forms. To fight against the epidemic, the presidential candidate also wants an end to the closure of hospital beds, free tests and a “turnover society”.

When the Pfizer vaccine arrived on French territory, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had expressed reservations about this vaccine, asking in particular that the “English vaccine”, AstraZeneca, be offered to citizens. He then had pleaded in favor of the “Russian”, “Chinese” and “three Cuban vaccines” vaccines.

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