Diane Kruger really had to fight to star in “Inglorious Basterds”

Diane Kruger may well burst the screen in Inglorious Basterds, she really wasn’t going to be a winner when it came time to audition for the role. As she revealed during a passage in the podcast Reign With Josh Smith, Quentin Tarantino didn’t even want to audition him to play Bridget von Hammersmark.

“He auditioned everyone. He didn’t want to see me because he had seen a movie I was in and he didn’t like it. So he didn’t believe in me from the start. Literally the only reason he auditioned me was because there was no one left to audition,” the actress explained.


“I was like, ‘You know what, fuck him. I’m going to go out there and prove to him that I can do it,'” Diane Kruger continued. And it was good for her because in the end, the actress not only got the role, but also received an award from the Screen Actors Guild for her performance in the 2009 film.

Like what, you should never hesitate to put your foot in the door to get what you want.

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