Diana Ross turns 80: No mountain was high enough – culture

Things really should have turned out differently. In the melancholy month of November of the pandemic year 2021, a new single from Diana Ross suddenly appeared. The chorus summed up the emergency exit from the mental prison of that time with the simplicity of a psycho-meme: “Thank You.” There was a lot to be grateful for back then. Thank you for still being alive, for conventional medicine, for the Internet, the supply chains to the east of Munich and the stable nerves of your fellow human beings. Ross staged it like in her best Motown days as one of those “Teenage Symphonies” with which she and many others enraptured young people because they managed to pack the entire great emotional opera of this phase of life into three-minute epics. And so Ross built her latest single with the kind of drama that made her first a superstar and then a diva. First verse carefully, then increasingly stronger until the chorus in the greatest radiance of her soprano.

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