Diakonie Bayern calls for an effective social housing policy – Bavaria

In view of the sharp increase in the number of homeless people, the Bavarian Diakonie calls for an effective social housing policy and nationwide, reliable support services for those affected. Compared to 2022, the number of homeless people in Bavaria has almost doubled this year from 17,910 to 32,380 people, according to the Federal Statistical Office.

“This increase is alarming,” said the President of the Bavarian Diakonie, Sabine Weingärtner, on Monday in Nuremberg. Effective measures have already been launched in Bavaria with the “Help for Homelessness” action plan and the “Bavarian Homeless Aid Foundation” and efforts in housing construction, Weingärtner said.

But they weren’t enough. For example, more publicly funded housing is needed. Every independent city and every district must have “adequate offers” for people who are threatened by homelessness or are already affected. If homelessness cannot be avoided, the municipalities would have to accommodate people in accommodation where there is outreach social work. The Evangelical Church and the Diakonie in Bavaria are committed to a wide range of offers against poverty and homelessness, said Weingärtner. However, the basis remains an effective social housing policy by the state.

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