Diagnosis podcast: A woman is in mortal danger – because of the advice of a friend

“The diagnosis”
A woman is in mortal danger for taking well-intentioned advice from a friend

A woman has a severe headache and is very thirsty. A doctor discovers that her life is in danger. The reason: She wanted to do something good for herself.

A woman in her late 50s comes to the emergency room with a severe headache and nausea. She says the symptoms have been on for a week and that she is insanely thirsty all the time. The doctor finds that her blood pressure is abnormally high.

In order to rule out a cerebral haemorrhage, a computed tomogram of the skull is arranged – but it does not show anything abnormal. Instead, the treating doctors discover that the patient’s kidney values ​​are catastrophic and that the woman is suffering from acute kidney failure. Their blood contains an extremely large amount of the breakdown product creatinine and a high calcium value. She also loses too much water in her urine.

The doctor first thinks of the bone marrow cancer multiple myeloma, which affects the kidneys and bones, but further tests can rule out this suspicion. Only after determining various hormone and vitamin levels will the treating doctors find the real cause: the patient had listened to the well-intentioned advice of a friend and wanted to do something good for herself – now she is in mortal danger.

“Die Diagnose” – listen to the episodes of the current season

The podcast “Die Diagnose” with Anika Geisler appears every two weeks – on AudioNow, the platform of RTL Radio Deutschland, and on Spotify and iTunes. In the seventh season, exciting cases of illness are resolved again:

  • Not enough juice in the battery: A teenage girl often falls asleep during the day. Are nocturnal pauses in breathing to blame? A doctor discovers why the previously prescribed special mask is of no use.

  • Fateful flat share: A baby keeps getting fever and severe diarrhea. A doctor finally finds the reason: he has to do with the roommates.

  • Mint and Rhythm: On the weekends, a man always seems to have gone away. Specialists find out what this has to do with brushing your teeth.

  • Tormenting burning and stinging: A woman has had pain in her foot while running for years. A doctor examines it carefully and finds the reason: a spindle-shaped thickening.

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