Diablo 4: Caution – You should definitely avoid an extremely dangerous room

Diablo 4 (from €69.95 buy) has devoured plenty of virtual blood from its players since its release less than two weeks ago. It’s not uncommon for you to fail because of the hordes of hell and the nasty bosses.

That you turn a single Space can become so dangerous that you should rather flee rather than explore it – that’s rather unusual. But there is exactly one in Diablo 4 and the fans warn hardcore players in particular about an unexpected screen death.

Diablo 4: Fans warn – “If you see this room in hardcore mode, just walk away”

According to a recent statistics Blizzard has already recorded 316 million deaths in Sanctuary just a week after the release of Diablo 4. A remarkable number, to the increase of which the said basement room also seems to contribute its part. Reddit now warns of that:

Strictly speaking, it’s not about the room itself, but rather the enigma it conceals. On the floor you will find nine plates that can be activated when touched. But not only solving the puzzle itself can turn out to be difficult: Stepping on a slab triggers an explosion that you should avoid as quickly as possible. If you don’t do this, the other plates will also explode and you will surely die.

Of course, if you fail, the puzzle itself will be reset and you will have to try to solve it all over again. But if your Diablo 4 character is also a hardcore hero, you shouldn’t really care, because you’ll have to say goodbye to him once and for all anyway. As the community on Reddit correctly advises, it’s probably not worth the risk, especially if you’re playing in hardcore mode.

However, if your spirit of research is insatiable, you can on Pick up YouTube tips for solving the puzzle. Basically, you have to step onto the floor tiles in the correct order – you can tell which that is by looking at the wall behind them. If you fail, a particularly tragic death awaits you, as has already appeared. Dedicated to the most dramatic exits Megan Fox in the course of an advertising campaign for Diablo 4 but at least a personalized eulogy.

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