Diabetics definitely need to pay attention to this

There are no longer any strict dietary bans for diabetics. For good diabetes treatment, you should pay attention to a healthy diet. Read here how this works with type 1 diabetes.

The daily routine of people used to be one diabetes strictly regulated. Loud healthy.bund.de Diabetics had to maintain certain intervals between insulin injections, food intake and physical activity. Today it’s different. Insulin therapies have become more flexible – including when it comes to nutrition.

But what does that mean specifically? What can you eat as a person with type 1 diabetes? And what should you pay attention to? We answer the most important questions.

What can a type 1 diabetic eat?

If you think that you have to follow a strict diet as a diabetic, you are wrong. According to the Technicians’ Health Insurance As a diabetic, you can basically eat anything – regardless of whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes. There are no longer any special rules or even a diabetes diet.

Also the AOK agrees with this judgment and writes: “Don’t worry: you won’t have a life full of strict diets and sacrifices ahead of you.”

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However, as a diabetic you should pay attention to a healthy diet. “If you know what ‘eating healthy’ means and are able to assess the blood sugar effect of your meals, you can do a lot for your well-being,” writes the Techniker Krankenkasse.

By the way: For most diabetics, injecting insulin is part of everyday life. But a new study gives hope that diabetics will no longer have to inject insulin at some point.

Read about this too

How do I eat if I have type 1 diabetes?

According to the Federal Ministry of Health caused by a deficiency of the hormone insulin. The pancreas produces little to no insulin. Type 1 diabetes is not curable. Patients must inject insulin throughout their lives.

That’s why it’s for people with type 1 diabetes, according to the AOK It is especially important to know how many carbohydrates you consume. Only then can you inject the appropriate amount of insulin.

According to the diabetes information portal, you should diabinfo.de Maintain a balanced and varied diet that contains nutrient-rich, low-processed foods with lots of fiber. However, you should avoid very energy-rich foods with added sugars and heavily processed grain products (so-called refined grains).

By the way: Diabetics can also measure their blood sugar with a sensor on their upper arm – but there are a few things they should keep in mind. It is clearly defined at which blood sugar level one has diabetes.

Mixed diet, Mediterranean diet or vegetarian: Which diet is suitable for type 1 diabetes?

Which diet you choose for a healthy diet with type 1 diabetes is primarily a matter of taste. Because loud diabinfo.de It has not yet been clear whether a particular diet is suitable for people with diabetes in the long term. You can choose from loud diabinfo.de approximately:

  • A wholesome mixed diet with vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grain products, low-fat dairy and meat products as well as fish
  • a Mediterranean diet
  • and a vegetarian or vegan one Diet

In the end, what matters is what counts diabinfo.de According to them, the main thing is that daily meals are adapted to your own life situation. “Everyone has different preferences, financial possibilities or a different culture.”

But be careful: As a diabetic you should not change your diet on your own, but always consult a doctor or nutritionist.

By the way: If you have type 2 diabetes, you should definitely avoid these foods.

Can you eat sweets if you have type 1 diabetes?

According to the AOK, sweets are no longer a problem for diabetics – if the overall balance of calories and carbohydrates is taken into account.

According to the AOK, the German Diabetes Society recommends a maximum free sugar intake of a maximum of ten percent of the total energy intake. “This,” writes the AOK, “includes all types of sugar that are added to food, drinks or sweets such as chocolate, but also sugar that occurs naturally in honey, syrup and fruit juices.” This corresponds to an estimated total energy intake of 2,000 kilocalories per day a maximum intake of 50 grams of sugar or the equivalent of around 10 teaspoons of sugar.

However, the AOK warns that the maximum sugar intake is quickly reached. A 100 gram chocolate bunny alone contains 50 grams of sugar. “To avoid problems with insulin adjustment,” writes the AOK, “diabetics who inject insulin with meals should take a little more insulin. An insulin pump should also be adjusted accordingly.”

By the way: If blood sugar control is neglected, diabetes can reduce life expectancy.

Can you drink alcohol if you have type 1 diabetes?

Loud diabinfo.de Small amounts of alcohol are allowed for people with diabetes. However, alcohol causes blood sugar to drop. The experts from diabinfo.de therefore warn: “Alcohol should only be consumed together with meals containing carbohydrates.”

The daily limit for alcohol is diabinfo.de According to 10 grams for women and 20 grams for men. “20 grams of alcohol is roughly equivalent to a bottle of beer (0.5 liters) or a glass of wine (0.2 liters).”

“However,” writes diabinfo.de, “these limits should not be viewed as an invitation to consume alcohol on a daily basis.” Moderation also applies here. As a diabetic, you should ensure low-risk alcohol consumption and also not consume alcohol on at least two days per week.

By the way: Diabetes can lead to secondary diseases. That’s why diabetics should not overlook these important examinations.

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