Dhurakij Pundit University Giving away the first NFT degree certificate in Thailand

Dhurakij Pundit University Awarded the first NFT degree in Thailand, this is a new step towards the world of Web3 and the Metaverse of the future education world.

Dr. Darika Latthapipat, President of Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU), revealed that driving the university in the face of challenges in the world of learning and technology, DPU continues to work relentlessly in this changing trend. Especially in the era that is changing from Web2 to Web3, where work will be driven by new technologies such as AI or Artificial Intelligence, including Blockchain.

which DPU is continuing to prepare in this regard for students and universities through courses required skills as well as the readiness of the ecosystem to support future teaching and learning

​The NFT (Non-Fungible Token) degree awarding is DPU’s first step towards truly moving into the world of Metaverse by allowing students with wallets to download and submit documents. For the first time since March 2022, graduates will be able to register for their degree in NFT format as well, in partnership with SmartContract Blockchain Studio and IPSTOU. Dio Co., Ltd.

Dr. Darika said that the attractiveness of the “NFT degree” lies in being an Original, unique and inimitable. including being able to keep forever It will never be lost or destroyed. In addition, an NFT degree is another important step for students in giving themselves the opportunity to create a new identity in the world. both job opportunities Learning activities and more to come in the world of Metaverse from now on.

“For this first year This is a pilot program where students voluntarily participate in the NFT degree or not. At the same time, communication create understanding and pointed out new opportunities that, in addition to the degree certificate in the ceremony room Any graduate who wants a NFT degree and is ready to step into the world of Metaverse and Web3 in the future can apply according to the steps set forth. The next step for DPU is not just an NFT degree, but a lot more to come.”

​The development guidelines of DPU and stepping into Web3 are prepared. and go step by step Since teaching at the university that was previously revised, the DPU Core includes six skills necessary for the future world of work: Entrepreneurship Skills. communication skills Analytical thinking and problem solving skills creative skills Teamwork skills and technological know-how skills to create a body of knowledge and bring it into practice At the same time, learning modules have been adjusted to include grouping of subjects that combine knowledge from many faculties together for integrated teaching. The knowledge that students have learned in each module is stored in the format of NFT and this year the university will prepare to adjust the teaching style or some activities to be on the Metaverse Platform. To give students the opportunity to experience new technologies that are about to change many things in the world.

​In addition, DPU has joined hands with many partners from many businesses to create the D.OASIS Metaverse Platform to develop technology and extend new knowledge to create an ecosystem to Web3 and Metaverse, including J Ventures, Index Creative Village, Eventpass. , Warrix, Prakit Holdings, Dhurakij Pundit University (DPU) and many other organizations

D.OASIS will focus on 3 main areas: D.OASIS Lab, which focuses on building people and building knowledge on Metaverse, D.OASIS City, which focuses on building Metaverse Platform, and D.OASIS Studios. is a developer of NFTs in various forms. DPU is the main course development partner of D.OASIS Lab that focuses on driving the skills necessary to become a meta citizen for society with the goal of driving Thailand. To be one of the leaders in Web3 and Metaverse in Asia, starting with the dissemination of knowledge on the topic What is metaverse? and the Crypto Tax Clinic in March. and a short-term Metaverse Developer course that will be open in April

Dr. Darika said in the end that in 2022, DPU continues to move forward with new changes that occur, including the changing behavior of the new generation, technology and competition, with the “NFT degree” being one. From several projects for the future movement of the world of Web3 and Metaverse.

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