DFB team: Horror foul on Leon Goretzka from FC Bayern

DFB team: Horror foul on Leon Goretzka from FC Bayern

Leon Goretzka was badly fouled in the international match between the DFB-Elf against Liechtenstein. His opponent saw red, the Bayern star was able to continue playing.

Leon Goretzka is at the World Cup qualifier between Germany and Liechtenstein was badly fouled in Wolfsburg. Liechtenstein’s Jens Hofer struck the German in the 8th minute with a kung-fu kick.

Goretzka was hit in the neck and had to be treated by the DFB doctors on the lawn. Fortunately, the Bayern player was able to continue, but the marks on his neck were obvious.

After a horror foul: Hofer accompanies Goretzka to the edge of the field

Malefactor Hofer, who saw the red card for the action, was sorry for his foul. He apologized and even accompanied Goretzka to the edge of the field.

Ilkay Gündogan converted the subsequent penalty into a 1-0 lead.


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