DFB sports director: Völler defends the national team’s trip to the USA

DFB sports director
Völler defends the national team’s trip to the USA

National coach Hansi Flick (l) and DFB sports director Rudi Völler. photo

© Arne Dedert/dpa

In October, the national team travels to the USA for two international matches – in the middle of the season. Does that have to be, national players also ask. DFB sports director says yes with a view to the 2026 World Cup.

DFB sports director Rudi Völler has once again defended the national team’s upcoming trip to the USA in the middle of the season. There were also critical comments from the group of players about the travel date in October.

“When I started at the DFB, this journey was as good as clear. My first reflex was – I’m honest: Why are we actually doing it?” Völler said on the association’s website. “Meanwhile I also say: She is good.”

With a view to the upcoming World Cup in 2026 in the USA, Mexico and Canada, it is important to present yourself to the fans on site, to hold talks and make contacts. “Even if we are all looking forward to our home European Championship next year, which is the focus of all our planning, it is part of professional preparation to tackle the following tournament at an early stage in order to create optimal conditions there as well,” argued the former DFB Team leader Voller.

Süle: “Date not quite so well chosen”

The world will not stop turning after the EM 2024. “For a greater perception and presence of German football, the Bundesliga and its clubs, it is important that Germany’s best players also show themselves internationally,” said Völler. The DFB selection travels to the US east coast from October 9th to 18th. She plays USA in Hartford on October 14 and Mexico three days later in Philadelphia.

The internationals were critical of the US trip because of the travel stress and jet lag on Wednesday in Wolfsburg while preparing for the upcoming test match against Japan. “In my opinion, the date is not quite so well chosen,” said Niklas Süle. The Borussia Dortmund defender referred to the enormous physical strain that can be observed in foreign club colleagues when they return from long-distance trips by their selected teams, for example from Africa or the USA.

Hofmann: “Our body is our capital”

Only two days after the return of the DFB entourage, the game between Dortmund and SV Werder Bremen is scheduled in the Bundesliga. Leverkusen’s Jonas Hofmann spoke of “divided opinions” in the DFB team. “Our body is our capital and is affected,” said the 31-year-old.

The DFB again emphasized that after the home European Championship and before the World Cup in 2026, a US trip would no longer be possible. After the European Championship, the national team was again involved in the competitive games in the Nations League. And then the World Cup qualification.


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