DFB: Neuendorf’s great praise for Völler: already made a difference

Neuendorf’s great praise for Völler: it has already achieved something

Rudi Völler took up his post as “director of the senior national team” on February 1st. photo

© Sebastian Gollnow/dpa

Rudi Völler has only been in office at the DFB for a few days. The appointment of the former DFB team boss to sports director was worth it, said the head of the association.

For DFB President Bernd Neuendorf, the appointment of Rudi Völler as the new sports director of the German Football Association has already had a positive effect.

“You can say that he has already done something,” said Neuendorf in the ZDF “Sportstudio” with a view to the “great media attention” at Völler’s commitment. “That’s also justified,” said Neuendorf (61).

Völler (62) officially took up his post as “director of the senior national team” on February 1st. The 1990 World Champion is “absolutely credible”, authentic, said Neuendorf, someone “who also fits in personally with the DFB, who has his heart in the right place and, above all, knows where the goal is”. The DFB President hopes that Völler can transfer this to the national team.

Völler wants to “give assistance” to Flick

After the disgraceful preliminary round at the World Cup in Qatar at the end of 2022, Völler should ensure a change of mood on the way to the home European Championship in 2024 around the DFB selection of national coach Hansi Flick. “We want to play a great European Championship, not only successfully but also inspiringly,” said Völler, who was once responsible as DFB team manager at the beginning of the millennium.

He wanted to “give Flick help in many things” so that he could concentrate on football. Could one of his angry speeches, legendary in football, also come about? “I’ve gotten a bit older now, maybe a bit calmer, we’ll see,” said Völler, who left Bayer Leverkusen last summer as a long-time sports director.

The DFB team will face Peru in the first games after the World Cup on March 25th in Mainz and three days later in Cologne they will face Belgium. Until the home EM there are only test games on the schedule.


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