Deutsche Bahn: Route closure between Cologne and Frankfurt am Main

DB long-distance transport
Metal theft on high-speed lines: nationwide disruptions at Deutsche Bahn

Patience is once again required from Deutsche Bahn customers. Damage caused by vandalism is currently leading to longer journey times in long-distance transport.

© Jochen Tack / Imago Images

Deutsche Bahn passengers nationwide are affected by diversions and travel time extensions on long-distance transport. The reason was vandalism on a section of the route in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Travelers currently have to be very brave. In addition to the effects of strikes on numerous local transport companies and airport employees, there is currently also a disruption on an important long-distance route German train. As the company announced via X (formerly Twitter), the so-called high-speed route between Cologne Central Station and Frankfurt am Main Central Station cannot currently be used.

Deutsche Bahn is canceling train connections on the affected route

According to information, damage caused by vandalism made it necessary to close the route. A railway spokesman explained star-Inquiry with the Siegburg-Bonn section that metal had been stolen. He did not give any further details.


However, affected travelers can postpone their tour free of charge. The train connection for planned trips that are affected by the route closure has been lifted.

According to the railway homepage, the trains are delayed by “around 90 minutes. The stops at Cologne/Bonn Airport, Siegburg/Bonn, Montabaur and Limburg Süd are no longer available. Alternatively, the trains stop at Bonn Hbf and Koblenz Hbf.” Nationwide effects are to be expected.

Alternatively, it is recommended to reach Siegburg and Bonn by regional trains from the Cologne Central Station and Cologne Messe/Deutz stops and by tram from Bonn Central Station.

Montabaur can be reached from Koblenz main station with bus line 460 from ZOB Koblenz. To get to Limburg (Lahn) Süd, you should use the regional trains between Koblenz and Limburg as well as the connections between Frankfurt am main and Limburg (Lahn).

We’re working hard to resolve the problem. The problem is expected to be fixed in the “afternoon hours.”

Source:Deutsche Bahn homepage


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