Your Weekly Horoscope Will Guide You Through The Bumps In The Road

Monday sets the pace for the week, so get right on board with what your horoscope for the week of May 29 to June 4 has in store for your zodiac sign. With a new moon in clever Gemini taking place on May 30, you’re blasting off right from the get-go! The creative juices are flowing, but don’t get lost in the wave! The sign of the Twins is known to get ahead of itself, and let’s not forget—Mercury doesn’t leave retrograde until the end of the week.

Everyone deserves a little R&R after a retrograde like that, but take care not to overindulge. That retrograde shadow period can catch you off guard, so consider delaying any serious plans for another week and a half if you can. However, we’re not quite out of the woods yet!

On the day after Mercury’s escape from the retrograde’s clutches, Saturn (planet of restriction) in Aquarius takes its place. Unlike Mercury, the karma planet’s retrograde isn’t short and (semi)sweet. We can expect four-and-a-half months of retrograde motion, forcing the collective to review lessons learned, boundaries established, and responsibilities taken on over the last year. Heed the universe’s teachings before you’re given more come the end of Saturn’s backward motion.

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week


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Start the week by learning something new when the new moon is in Gemini and your communication zone on Monday. If there’s a subject you’re interested in studying, Aries, check it out! However, make sure it’s something you’re passionate about or you won’t stay focused for long.

After a long retrograde, Mercury finally moves forward in your value zone on Friday. With your financial situation starting to settle, you can now look at your bank statement without feeling faint. This is a great time to put value into your words and plan a budget you can stick to.

While you love your friends dearly, some of them could be taking advantage of your generosity when Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your social zone on Saturday. Put some distance between you and any less than understanding friends to see if the relationship is worth saving.

Related: Aries Horoscope For June 2022: Welcome Home, Sweetheart


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If you’ve been thinking of ways to increase your income, you might find the solution during the new moon in Gemini and your value zone on Monday. The moon encourages you to start a side hustle or find a new source of income. Invite a friend for coffee to help you think of ideas.

After a distressing retrograde, life starts to return to normal when Mercury moves forward in your sign on Friday. If you’ve been struggling with your identity, you might finally come to understand yourself better. Start embracing these changes, Taurus.

All earth signs tend to be workaholics, but you’ve been working some crazy hours. When Saturn goes retrograde in your career zone on Saturday, you’ll need to put your foot down and just say no to overtime or your employer’s demands. Remember, you work to live, not live to work.

Related: Taurus Horoscope For June 2022: Reach For The Stars


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With the Mercury retrograde ending later this week, you’ll be renewed by the new moon in your sign on Monday. This new and positive energy brings the perfect time to reinvent yourself, especially after the retrograde burned your reputation to a crisp. Use this lunar cycle to get to know yourself again, Gemini.

However, you might want to undertake this self-discovery in private when Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your privacy zone on Friday. This has been a draining retrograde season, and you’ll need some time to heal. Focus on journaling and meditation to understand your deeper feelings.

While your curiosity typically knows no bounds, you might want to pull back a little when Saturn turns retrograde in your expansion zone on Saturday. Digging too deep into information could lead to becoming obsessed with the “answer.” Don’t lose yourself while looking for something else.

Related: Gemini Horoscope For June 2022: Spicing Things Up (As Usual)


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After a stressful Mercury retrograde season, you’re going to need a rest during the new lunar cycle when the moon is in Gemini and your privacy zone on Monday. The new moon is encouraging you to avoid any interactions that drain you emotionally as you start to heal.

After being distant from your friends, you’ll have the opportunity to mend any frayed relationships when Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your social zone on Friday. As it moves forward, you’ll have the ability to repair friendships or make new friends who will become a big part of your social circle.

Start setting boundaries when it comes to your finances as Saturn turns retrograde in Aquarius and your shared resources zone on Saturday. You are a generous person, but people might take advantage of that. Sharing is caring, Cancer, but don’t lend anyone money right now. You might not get it back.

Related: Cancer Horoscope For June 2022: Remember Who You Are


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The Mercury retrograde ends later this week, but you can start doing some networking during the Gemini new moon on Monday. The moon in your social zone encourages you to make connections and new friends who will become very important to you during this lunar cycle.

It’s a great time to make professional connections once Mercury finally leaves retrograde and moves forward in Taurus on Friday. With this planet in your career zone, this is a great time to build back your reputation after the damaging retrograde. Focus on what you want to achieve and plot how to get there, Leo.

After a very social week, put up some boundaries in your personal life when Saturn turns retrograde in your partnership zone on Saturday. While you’re happy with the people in your life, you still need your independence. Reconnect with yourself to prevent becoming codependent.

Related: Leo Horoscope For June 2022: Become Your Own Hero


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Start the week thinking about your ambitions and goals during the new moon in Gemini on Monday. The moon in your career zone gives you great ideas for how to boost your reputation, but you need to focus if you want to be successful.

If you’re planning on making a career change, a great time to go back to school is when Mercury goes direct in Taurus on Friday. With your ruling planet moving forward in your expansion zone, see if you can learn about a new career path to help achieve your dreams.

You’re no stranger to self-discipline, but when Saturn goes retrograde in your habit zone on Saturday, you’ll be ready to start new habits that can increase your productivity. This could be a demanding time, Virgo, but it can lead to great rewards.

Related: Virgo Horoscope For June 2022: Getting The Ball Rolling


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Make an effort to initiate new projects when the new moon is in Gemini on Monday. The moon in your expansion zone can feed your spirit for adventure and help you see the world from a different point of view. This is a great time to make travel or academic plans that will bring some intellectual stimulation.

After weeks of confusion, you can finally trust your intuition again when Mercury goes direct in Taurus on Friday. Mercury will be moving forward in your transformation zone, encouraging you to trust your gut as you navigate the changes in your life. Trust your judgment, Libra.

Have fun in moderation over the next few months after Saturn goes retrograde in your pleasure zone on Saturday. Getting too caught up in the many pleasures and romances of your life can make you forget about the things that really matter. Try to take things slowly.

Related: Libra Horoscope For June 2022: Explore The Untrodden Path


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Your week begins on an intimate note when the new moon is in Gemini and your intimacy zone on Monday. This could be a night of major transformation in your personal life, Scorpio. A conversation could lead to a bonding experience that changes your relationship forever.

This could lead to a better relationship overall as Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your partnership zone on Friday. Now that it’s out of retrograde, your relationship can start to improve and heal as you get back on the road to romance. Find common ground and come to an agreement that works best for everyone.

While you patch things up in your love life, start setting stronger boundaries at home when Saturn goes retrograde in your family zone on Saturday. You’ll need to draw firm lines with meddling family members, so set some rules before they take over your life and space.

Related: Scorpio Horoscope For June 2022: Butterflies In Your Stomach


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You might meet your match this week when the new moon is in Gemini on Monday. With the moon in your partnership zone, this is an ideal time to start a new relationship, flirt with someone cute, ask someone out, or express your inner feelings. Use your words to start something new, Sagittarius.

Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your habit zone on Friday. With this planet finally moving forward again, you can now get your life back in order and start new and better habits. Get back to work, because you’ll be feeling more productive and focused. Start by working on everything you’ve been neglecting.

Even though the retrograde is over, you should still choose your words carefully over the next few months after Saturn goes retrograde in your communication zone on Saturday. You need to start editing your thoughts instead of just blurting them out. You could hurt someone’s feelings.

Related: Sagittarius Horoscope For June 2022: Embrace Self-Improvement


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After a stressful Mercury retrograde, you’re ready to start taking care of business during the new moon in Gemini on Monday. The moon in your productivity zone can help you think more critically about everything and everything. How can you make your routines more efficient and productive? That’s what you’ll need to figure out this lunar cycle.

The weekend brings plenty of joy as Mercury finally goes direct in Taurus and your pleasure zone on Friday. You now have more opportunities for fun and creative expression. You’ve been working hard, Capricorn, so this is the time for leisure. Do things for the sake of pleasure, not ambition.

Set a spending limit for yourself when Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius and your value zone on Saturday. While your income might increase, don’t waste your money on things you don’t need. Focus on creating a nest egg.

Related: Capricorn Horoscope For June 2022: Coloring Outside The Lines


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End May on a positive note when the new moon is in Gemini on Monday. The moon in your pleasure zone encourages you to have fun by creatively expressing yourself. Whether you’re flirting or going to concerts, you’ll have a good time. Enjoy it, Aquarius.

June also starts on a positive note when Mercury goes direct in Taurus and your family zone on Friday. This is a great time to finally sort out your family issues, now that you have a good idea about what’s going on and how to fix it. Call a family meeting to clear the air.

End the week on a self-reflective note when Saturn goes retrograde in your sign on Saturday. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new people, so make sure you focus on making a good first impression so you don’t weird people out.

Related: Aquarius Horoscope For June 2022: You Deserve A Break


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End a turbulent month on a cozy note when the new moon is in Gemini on Monday. The moon in your home zone encourages you to start a new phase in your private life. There is a strong possibility that you’ll be looking for a new home. Call a family member if you need advice.

After a long Mercury retrograde, you’ll finally be able to get your thoughts together as the planet goes direct in Taurus and your communication zone on Friday. Now you can finally tell people what you think and make plans for the future. Reach out to your loved ones, Pisces. They miss you.

Don’t be afraid to contact people, especially when Saturn goes retrograde in your privacy zone on Saturday. Spending too much time alone can get you stuck in your head, which could lead to your undoing. Remember to be social.

Related: Pisces Horoscope For June 2022: Living To The Fullest

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