Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You To Embrace The Power Of Virgo Season, Because It’s All About Self-Care

Prepare for an energetic shift, because your horoscope for the week of August 22 to 28 begins on the same day the sun enters Virgo. This clever and analytical earth sign is all about purity, cleanliness and rejuvenation (which is why it’s no wonder Virgo is also symbolically tied to the “virgin”). Embrace what Virgo season has to offer, because it will help you get organized and intentional about your goals.

Believe it or not, Virgo isn’t the only sign making an entrance this week. After all, on August 25, Mercury—planet of communication—will also enter talkative, flirty and diplomatic Libra. This cardinal air sign is all about establishing rapport and building up your relationships, knowing that harmony is the name of the game. Allow Mercury in Libra to not only enhance your social life and your love life, but it will also give you the tools to solve problems rather than cause them.

However, that might be easier said than done once the sun in Virgo squares off with Mars in Gemini on August 27. This could bring hidden tensions to the surface, especially if you’re already on your last nerve. When irritation strikes and inspires to lash out, remember to count to ten and breathe. You’re not always in control of your emotions, but you do have a say in how you act on them.

As a new moon in Virgo rises on August 27 at 4:16 a.m. ET, it will inspire you to set a new intention and allow it to guide you forward. Because Virgo is a mutable earth sign, this is a powerful time to experiment with new self-care regimens and nurture your mind, body and soul. However, Virgo also loves an honest day’s work, so allow this new moon to show you the way around procrastination and toward productivity.

As Venus—planet of love—forms an opposition with stoic and inhibiting Saturn on August 28, this week comes to an end on a sobering note. You may become more aware of what is and *isn’t* working for you in your relationships, and if finding common ground feels impossible, listen to what your gut instinct is telling you.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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This week, your relationships are taking on a whole new meaning. On August 25, Mercury will enter your seventh house of partnerships, encouraging you to nurture your bonds with others on a one-on-one level. Instead of being an acquaintance, allow your relationships to become something even deeper.

A new moon in Virgo activates your sixth house of work and health on August 27, acting as a spark that lights a fire of productivity within you. However, this productivity is not about quantity, but about quantity. How can you get more out of your time and effort? Instead of taking shortcuts, try something with more staying power.

By August 28, Venus in your romantic fifth house will oppose Saturn in your platonic 11th house, which could bring boiling points to a lukewarm simmer. If your relationships are going to make it, they need to be based on something stronger than the honeymoon phase.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For August 2022

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On August 22, Virgo season will begin, bringing you a burst of passion, romance and creativity. As the sun enters your fifth house of fun and pleasure, it will inspire you to live a little! All work and no play makes a Taurus a dull zodiac sign. Let these last few weeks of summer be the best part of your journey yet.

As a new moon in Virgo rises on August 27, it will inspire you to fall in love, but also to pour your heart into an artistic project. However, you can’t pour from an empty cup, and if you’re finding it difficult to live up from your vision, remember that masterpieces take time. Don’t give up on something just because it’s not perfect from the get-go.

As Venus—your ruling planet—opposes Saturn in your 10th house of career on August 28, you may become more aware of the ways your professional responsibilities are holding you back from true self-expression. Life is all about balance and measuring your self-worth based on your job performance is selling yourself short. After all, you’re so much more than your productivity.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For August 2022

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This week, you’re embracing a serious vibe shift. After all, on August 22, Virgo season will pivot your focus toward everything that’s happening behind the scenes. As the sun moves through your fourth house of home and family, it will put you in a nesting mindset, reminding you that you deserve a certain standard of emotional and physical safety.

As Mercury—your ruling planet—enters your third house of communication on August 25, you’ll begin experiencing more momentum in your social life and more brainpower at your disposal. But when the sun in Virgo squares off with Mars in Gemini on August 27, it could set off a fuse this week if you don’t give yourself time to process your emotions. Instead of bottling things up until they burst, try becoming more honest with yourself about how you feel.

However, when a new moon in Virgo also takes place on August 27, it will encourage you to listen to your heart rather than you mind. Not everything can be solved in the way of logic, but in the way of compassion.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For August 2022

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Prepare to feel more social, more curious and more intellectually driven this week. As of August 22, the sun will be charging through your third house of communication full-steam ahead. This will bring you a blast of brilliant ideas and strengthen your conversational chops, but it could also lead to an information overload if you don’t pace yourself.

Once the sun in Virgo squares off with Mars in Gemini on August 27, you might feel like people are talking about you behind your back. You might even be participating in gossip yourself. Be careful with what you say, because it *will* come back later. As a new moon in Virgo also takes place on August 27, it will inspire you to talk about what inspires you rather than deters you.

When Venus opposes Saturn in your 8th house of intimacy on August 28, you may realize that it’s time to set boundaries in your relationship. And if setting these boundaries feels like you’re committing emotional violence, ask yourself why you leave yourself vulnerable to that violence instead.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For August 2022

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Say goodbye to Leo season and hello to Virgo season! On August 22, the sun will enter your second house of money and luxury, inspiring you to give yourself whatever makes you feel stable, nourished and glamorous. It’s also a fabulous time to increase your wealth or spend your hard-earned money on something you’ve been pining over.

However, once the sun in Virgo squares off with Mars in your social 11th house on August 27, you might find that allowing too many people into your sacred space is leaving you feeling unmoored. Make stability a priority. As a new moon in Virgo launches a new chapter on August 27, you’ll feel inspired to start saving up and spending accordingly. There’s never been a better time to set a financial goal and get a return on your investment.

When Venus in Leo opposes Saturn in Aquarius on August 28, you may feel like a relationship is coming to a screeching halt. Something may be creating distance between you and someone you admire. It’s time to identify what that may be and why.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For August 2022

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Giddy up, Virgo! On August 22, the sun will enter your first house of the self, launching the beginning of Virgo season. This is your time to shine, so don’t hold back when it comes to showing off how amazing you are. Take a good long look at your reflection and ask yourself who you’ve been, who you are and who you’re becoming. You’ll learn so much about yourself.

In fact, when a new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27, you may find yourself stepping into your power in an incredible way. This new moon represents the beginning of a new chapter in your life, so set an intention and take your first step toward greatness. However, as this new moon squares off with Mars in your career sector, you may find yourself taking your frustrations at work home with you. Remember—the day ends at 6.

When Venus opposes Saturn on August 28, it may lead to many revelations regarding your level of work-life balance. If you’re not finding enough time to rest and lay around daydreaming, it’s time to remedy that imbalance and give yourself that therapy.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For August 2022

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It’s a major week for you, Libra. After all, on August 25, Mercury—planet of communication—will enter Libra, bringing you a surge of intellectual electricity. Dive into brainstorming sessions that lead to dynamite ideas and give in to your desire to socialize, flirt and charm the world with your wiles.

On August 27, the sun in Virgo will square off with Mars in your ninth house of spontaneity and wisdom, which could leave you feeling disconnected from your inner compass. If there’s too much chaos in your life, simplify things and get to the core of how you’re feeling. Not every emotion can be explained away. As a new moon in Virgo lands in your 12th house of spirituality on August 27, it will be a powerful time to give in to your feelings rather than avoiding them. Let it all out!

When Venus—your ruling planet—opposes Saturn in your fifth house of romance and creativity, you may feel like the spark is starting to sputter and dry out. Inspiration is beautiful because of the sheer fact that it’s hard to find. Don’t get discouraged just because you’re feeling bored. Life is about to get very interesting *very* soon.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For August 2022

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On August 22, the sun will enter your extraverted 11th house, unleashing your ability to be a social butterfly frolicking from one event to the other. If you’re not in the most energized mood, this shift will also inspire you connect with others online and through media. After all, you can connect with millions with a click of the button.

However, by August 27, the sun will also square off with Mars in your eighth house of power struggles, which could encourage hidden tensions in your social circle to erupt. Perhaps you’re feeling a bit resentful of someone. Maybe you’re realizing that one of your friends is a hater. How will you navigate these waters to the best of your ability? Because a new moon will also rise in your 11th house of community on August 27, it may be the beginning of a meaningful change in who you choose to associate with. Remember—you are who you hang out with.

When Venus opposes Saturn in your fourth house of home and family on August 28, you may realize that you’re evolving away from your upbringing. However, taking a step away from what’s familiar is never easy, so give yourself time. You have the right to become who you want to be, regardless of what your family and friends think.

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re on your way to some meaningful career success this week, Sagittarius. After all, on August 22, the sun will enter your 10th house of authority and public image, which will help you tap into the side of you with CEO-potential. It’s time to make bold executive decisions that might terrify you. You don’t always need have the necessary experience, just the confidence that you’ll figure it out eventually.

On August 27, a new moon will rise in your career sector, which will mark the beginning of anew chapter at work. It’s time to set professional goals and make decisions that let your colleagues and superiors know where you stand. However, as this new moon squares off with Mars in your seventh house of allies and enemies, a competitor may try to step in and thwart you. Luckily, you’re just as worthy of an adversary.

On August 28, Venus will oppose Saturn in your third house of communication, which may lead to misunderstandings, especially if silence is lingering for far too long. Not every problem needs to be solved immediately, especially if the person you’re trying to communicate with isn’t meeting you in the middle.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For August 2022

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Get ready, Capricorn. On August 22, the sun will enter fellow earth sign Virgo, putting you in an incredibly spontaneous and adventure-seeking mood. It’s time to get the most juice out of your squeeze, because life is too short to be lived anything less than fully. As Mercury enters your 10th house of career on August 25, it will inspire you to infuse your life goals with your professional goals, because there’s always so much overlap.

As a new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27, you might be in the mood to plan your next vacation! You might even feel inspired to take up a class, read about different subjects and expand your mind with some exotic cuisine. You’re in the mood to educate yourself and life is one giant university.

However, on August 28, Venus in your eighth house of intimacy will oppose Saturn, which could leave you feeling as though you’re not being emotionally fulfilled by your lover. You deserve a certain level of trust and openness in your relationship. If your partner isn’t meeting you there, ask yourself why you’re always expected to wait for them to catch up.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For August 2022

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You’re entering a phase of deep spiritual transformation, Aquarius. And it’s not for the faint of heart. On August 22, the Virgo sun will activate your eighth house of endings and beginnings, which is encouraging you to detach yourself from what’s already run its course. There’s a whole future out there, waiting for you to make the most of it!

In fact, on August 27, a new moon in Virgo will inspire you to rethink the way you’ve been investing your energy. If you’re pouring your heart into a commitment that isn’t giving you a return on your investment, it may be time to cut your losses. However, if you’re seeing the potential in placing your faith in something—or someone—there’s no better time to make a promise you know you can keep.

By August 28, Venus in Leo will oppose Saturn in Aquarius, which could bring up a whole slew of relationship problems. No relationship is perfect, and if you’re seeing nothing but flaws, remember that it’s probably not as bad as it seems. Sometimes, things need to get a little worst before they can get better. If you and your partner are willing to work on things, it could be the start of some serious growth.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For August 2022

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This week, your relationships are coming alive in a bright and exciting way. After all, on August 22, the sun will enter your seventh house of partnerships, inspiring you to become a better partner, a better friend and a better lover. However, you also deserve someone who wants the same things you want, so start thinking about the future.

In fact, once a new moon in Virgo takes place on August 27, you might feel inspired to commit to someone new. If you’re already in a relationship, this may be the beginning of a powerful phase of your journey together; one that brings you ten times closer. However, as this new moon squares off with Mars in your fourth house of home and family, there may be disagreements amongst your loved ones about how your relationship is supposed to go.

Once Venus forms an opposition with Saturn in your 12th house of omitted truths on August 28, you may come to find that not everyone is being completely open and honest with each other. If something is holding your relationship back from being completely transparent, you’re about to find out what that is.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For August 2022

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