Your Weekly Horoscope Predicts Intense Conversations That Shine a Light On the Truth

Are you ready to conquer the competition? Because asteroid Vesta is coming in hot and renewing its partnership with sizzling Aries on Tuesday, giving you the confidence to pursue your passions. Hang on tight, because your horoscope for the week of February 6 to 12 says you should prepare for a wild ride!

Later in the week you’re hit with some pretty heavy doses of brainy Mercury—planet of communication—encouraging you to use reasoning instead of lean on your emotions to make every decision. On Friday Mercury spends one last day in serious Capricorn as it forms a conjunction to deep-thinker Pluto. This is the day to work on solving any outstanding problems that are still getting in the way of your success. It may also lead to soul-bearing conversations that force you to face your fears. Prepare for fascinating secrets to be divulged.

Saturday is when mentally-agile Mercury moves into humanitarian air sign Aquarius, so over the weekend you’ll be zeroing in on making the world a better place. There really is no idea or concept that’s too “out there” to indulge during this thought-provoking and eccentric transit. You live for shattering other people’s expectations and stretching the limits of what they think is “acceptable” behavior. Good things come from being a rebel and pushing boundaries.

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


You’re dedicated to becoming your best self this month when Vesta enters your sign on Wednesday. This week starts a new chapter in your life, so focus your energy on leveling up your appearance and learning some new manners that can help you stand out. Just don’t forget to have fun!

This new and improved you can really boost your reputation when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your public image zone on Friday. Your words hold power today, so use them to your advantage. It’s a great day for posting on social media and getting your name out there.

End the week on a social note when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your friendship zone. The next couple weeks are ideal for making important connections with unique individuals. Whether you meet them in real life or online, Aries, get connected with new people and expand your circle.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

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The winter weather is getting you down this week, and you’ll be declining invitations to hang out with friends when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday. With the asteroid in your privacy zone, you’re more interested in deep self-reflection than hanging out. Just don’t turn into a hermit, Taurus.

While you’re doing your reflecting, you might come to a deeper understanding of your core values when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your expansion zone on Friday. A new discovery could really shake up your world view for the better. Keep an open mind!

February is the shortest month, but you’ll be making the most of it when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday. With Mercury in your career zone, you’ll be focusing on how to reach your goals. Whether you’re trying to land your dream job or level up your reputation, speak it into existence and come up with a game plan.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

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Devote yourself to your humanitarian passions this week as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your social zone. You have the desire to make the world a better place, so start taking small steps to aid your favorite social causes. You won’t change the world overnight, Gemini, but you can help your community.

However, you’ll see some big changes when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your transformation zone on Friday. This can be a day of rebirth as you let go of things that no longer serve your best interests and develop a deeper bond with the people you love. The right words could create big waves.

The weekend also provides plenty of opportunities for growth when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your expansion zone. Over the next couple of weeks you’ll have plenty of opportunities to learn new things, especially if they’re off the beaten path.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

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February is a short month, but you’re making the most of it when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your career zone. Over the next few weeks you can devote yourself to your goals as you develop your career aspirations. What does the ideal you look like, Cancer?

While you’re working hard, your relationship might hit a few make-or-break moments when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your relationship zone on Friday. Relationships can change for better or worse depending on what you ask. Think about the changes you truly want before speaking.

Especially because you’ll be getting pretty deep with others when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your intimacy zone. This is an ideal time for deep talks as you get to the truth in all your relationships. Use your words to share important information—and taboos. Let your mind drift to naughty places.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

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Dedicate yourself to expanding your horizons over the next few weeks as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your expansion zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll be more than ready to get away from it all by traveling, researching, or just going on adventures. Get out of your comfort zone, Leo!

Then think about the ways you can improve your life when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your productivity zone on Friday. Think about your current daily routines and how you can make your life more efficient. A simple hack could be a real game changer.

The weekend is a great time for relationships when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your partnership zone. The next couple weeks are great for asking someone out, doing some flirting, and solving relationship problems. Opposites really do attract right now, so don’t be afraid to venture away from your usual “type.”

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

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If your love life is starting to get serious, it’s time to commit as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your intimacy zone. Whether you’re thinking about moving in together or sharing a life, you need to move past romance and into the logistics. Don’t be afraid to have some hard conversations, Virgo.

After that’s over, have some fun when Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn on Friday. You might find success enjoying a new hobby, doing creative work, or jumping into a new romance. It’s easy to find power and pleasure just by using your creative mind. Enjoy the ride!

Use that creativity when it comes to your routines when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your habit zone. You don’t have to do the same routines as everyone else. You can think outside the box to make life a little easier, especially if you’re trying to help others.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

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Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, and you’re ready to commit to the “perfect” person when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday. Whether you’re taking the next steps in your relationship, signing contracts, or taking the lead against the competition, you’re ready to level up.

If your home life has gotten a little stressful, get everyone together for a family meeting when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your home zone on Friday. Getting everything out in the open can change things for the better as you build a solid foundation of understanding.

We’re at the end of winter, but your love life is burning with passionate energy as Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your pleasure zone. The next couple weeks are ideal for flirting, finding a new artistic hobby, or doing just anything that will keep you entertained in the cold month. Focus on the joy, Libra!

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


It’s time to get serious about your health when Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your health zone. Over the next couple of weeks you can dedicate yourself to improving every aspect of your life. Focusing on self-discipline now can lead to big rewards later.

Speaking your truth can be your greatest asset when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your communication zone on Friday. This is a great day to speak up in meetings, form relationships, and even do some manifesting. Words give you the power to unlock doors, Scorpio.

The holiday season is over, but you’ll still be thinking about family matters when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your home zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll need to think about domestic affairs in a new light, including creating your own traditions or finding your support system. How can you make home a happier place?

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

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You’re starting the shortest month of the year on a fun note as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your pleasure zone. Over the next few weeks you’re committed to having plenty of fun, from dedicating yourself to your craft to focusing on being the best lover. Just follow your passion and see where it takes you, Sagittarius.

Now that we’re fully in the swing of the new year, this is an ideal time to think about your financial situation as Mercury conjoins Pluto in your value zone on Friday. You can transform your bank account by figuring out ways to save and thinking of what you can live without.

And you’ll be quick to come up with these money-saving ideas when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. Logic and creativity go hand in hand as you learn to express yourself in interesting ways.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

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With the cold weather still upon us, you’re committed to being at home over the next few weeks as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your home zone. Give your private life some much-needed attention by connecting with loved ones, buying a home, or sticking with important connections.

However, don’t forget to put yourself out there when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your sign on Friday. You’ll be able to talk yourself up today, Capricorn, so this is a great day to meet new people. It’s an ideal time to go on dates, have job interviews, and post on social media.

After surviving the new year (and the retrograde), it’s finally time to take care of your budget when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your value zone. Think about unique ways to make money and consider what you really value in your life besides material goods.

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Start the week by collecting your thoughts in one place as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your communication zone. Over the next few weeks you’ll be dedicated to speaking your mind and understanding your thought process. However, think before you speak or you could burn a few bridges.

If you need help, all you have to do is ask for it when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your healing zone on Friday. It’s a big request, we know, but if you’ve been struggling, don’t be afraid to admit that you could use some assistance. It could change your life, Aquarius.

End the week on a perceptive note when Mercury enters your sign on Saturday. Gifted with a boost of self-awareness, you can easily see how you come across to others. This is a great time to make a good first impression on others and leave a lasting and favorable memory.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

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With tax season on the horizon, this is a good time to slow down your spending as Vesta enters Aries on Wednesday, moving into your value zone. Spend the next few weeks committing to saving money for the future and not just spending on a whim. Create a goal and stick with it, Pisces!

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t still have some fun when Mercury conjoins Pluto in your social zone on Friday. This is a great day to make new friends, do some volunteer work in your community, and connect on social media.

However, you might not feel as social when Mercury enters Aquarius on Saturday, moving into your privacy zone. As we get closer to your season, consider ending relationships and projects that no longer serve you. However, resist the urge to ghost. It will only hurt you in the long run. Make clean breaks.

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For February 2023

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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