Your Weekly Horoscope Includes a Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn in Pisces—Here’s What to Expect

Your horoscope for the week of March 6 to 12 wants you to gird your loins, because a major change in the cosmos is about to take place. Get ready, because the astrological energy is about to feel *very* different from what you were experiencing before.

Saturn—planet of karma and discipline—makes a major leap from logical and innovative Aquarius to sensitive water sign Pisces on Tuesday. The start of this two-year transit brings some much-needed reflective, understanding energy into your life and encourages you to start working on healing wounds that have been open and/or ignored for far too long.

Tuesday is also when we’ll be experiencing a full moon in focused and analytical Virgo, which should help bring some of the details you’ve been glossing over into focus. Hyper-criticism of yourself and others is a common practice during this work-focused lunation. In fact, your harsh evaluations might be just what everyone needs to improve their performance, especially if it’s been super lackluster lately.

On Saturday, committed asteroid Juno leaves hot-headed Aries for more reliable Taurus, so most of us will be settling down and in the mood for slow-paced, affection interactions vs. fast hookups. However, this conservative planetary interaction doesn’t have to equal boredom. There are lots of things you can do to prevent relationships from becoming stale and stagnant, and you’ll have a lot of fun figuring out exactly what some of those things are over the weekend!

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming week, according to your sun and/or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):

How the Planets Will Affect Your Zodiac Sign This Week

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Your season is about to begin, Aries. In the calm before the storm of upcoming changes, the Virgo full moon on Tuesday is a great time to reflect on how far you’ve come. With the moon in your productivity zone, you’re encouraged to look at the habits you formed in August. They’re about to pay off.

Especially as you enter a period of endings when Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your subconscious zone. The next three years will be a time of healing as you set emotional boundaries in all areas of your life. This can be a lonely time of introspection, but it will be worth it.

However, you’ll be dealing with attachment issues when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your value zone. Being clingy won’t serve you well right now. Learn how to value yourself and your attachments without being too possessive.

Read Your Full Aries Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Taurus 2023 Horoscope

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You start the week on a romantic note with the Virgo full moon in your pleasure zone on Tuesday. This is a great day for romance, Taurus, so seal the deal on any love affair before spring. It’s also a great day to finish creative projects and be recognized for your amazing talents.

After spending the last three years working on your career and goals, it’s now time to mix and mingle as Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your social zone. Over the next few years you might be leaving old friends in the past as you make new friends with people who can open doors for you.

End the week with some new romances when Juno enters your sign on Saturday. You’re really feeling yourself right now, making it the perfect time to go on first dates. However, don’t fall in love with the first person you meet. Play the field before you play house.

Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Gemini 2023 Horoscope

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You start the week with a fixation on creating the perfect home thanks to the full moon in Virgo and your family zone on Tuesday. You want to do things the “right” way, but don’t be so hard on yourself. Practice self-care as you get ready for spring.

Especially as you’ll be shifting your focus to your professional career goals when Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your career zone. Over the next three years you’ll be getting an “adult” job, so focus on your reputation. Career shake-ups can get messy. Set boundaries between your work life and home life to protect your peace. Get ready to mature, Gemini!

The weekend brings some intensity to your relationships when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your privacy zone. There is a strong possibility of a secret, intense relationship, even an affair. While this might seem spicy and exciting, be careful. You’re playing with fire.

Read Your Full Gemini Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Cancer 2023 Horoscope

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If there’s anything you’ve been wanting to say, the Virgo full moon on Tuesday is the time to get it off your chest. With the moon in your communication zone, this is the ideal time to write down all your thoughts so you can finally be free. It’s also a good time to fill out paperwork and get all your ducks in a row before spring.

You might be going back to school or enrolling in some type of higher education over the next few years once Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your expansion zone. Trust the journey, Cancer, even if it leads you to some unfamiliar places that will change you.

The line between friends and lovers gets blurred as you fall for one of your friends when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your social zone. Try to set some clear boundaries or things could get messy.

Read Your Full Cancer Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

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Start March on the right foot by being a little smarter with your money during the Virgo full moon on Tuesday. With the moon in your value zone, this is a good time to develop better money habits rather than impulsively splurge on things you don’t use or need. Invest, Leo, don’t spend!

Especially as this is the beginning of a life-changing period as Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your transformation zone. That goes double if it’s your Saturn return. This is an intense transit that affects every area of your life. As you dive into your darkest fears, you’ll emerge a new person.

Loyalty is a great quality to have, especially when it comes to your work. However, when Juno enters Taurus and your career zone on Saturday, don’t let loyalty turn into blind devotion. You might miss important opportunities for success.

Read Your Full Leo Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Virgo 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Start March on the right foot by being a little smarter with your money during the Virgo full moon on Tuesday. With the moon in your value zone, this is a good time to develop better money habits rather than impulsively splurge on things you don’t use or need. Invest, Leo, don’t spend!

Especially as this is the beginning of a life-changing period as Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your transformation zone. That goes double if it’s your Saturn return. This is an intense transit that affects every area of your life. As you dive into your darkest fears, you’ll emerge a new person.

Loyalty is a great quality to have, especially when it comes to your work. However, when Juno enters Taurus and your career zone on Saturday, don’t let loyalty turn into blind devotion. You might miss important opportunities for success.

Read Your Full Virgo Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Libra 2023 Horoscope

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As winter slowly turns into spring, you begin the week on a healing note with the full moon in Virgo and your healing zone on Tuesday. Let go of the idea of “perfection” as you face your demons to move on to the next chapter, Libra.

It’s important to take care of your health right now, because you might be more prone to illness over the next three years once Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your health zone. This is the time to establish better habits as you realize your current routines no longer benefit you. Hard lessons will be learned, but you can become your best self.

The weekend brings closeness when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your intimacy zone. Over the next few weeks you can take your relationship to the next level, including living together. Bonds that form now are strong but a little overwhelming.

Read Your Full Libra Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Scorpio 2023 Horoscope

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Something that you’ve been working toward suddenly comes to you during the Virgo full moon on Tuesday. With the moon in your hope zone, all of your wishes can be fulfilled. Celebrate with your friends and community right now, because it truly does take a village to make a dream come true.

Especially as joy might become an elusive feeling once Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your pleasure zone. For the next three years you might need to go deep within yourself to find inspiration and contentment. There is a strong possibility that you can find your talents and learn to express yourself in healthy ways. It’s an opportunity to love yourself more.

Relationships bloom when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your partnership zone. You’re ready to commit yourself to another, settle down, and take things to the next level. Love grows strong with loyalty and devotion. Enjoy it, Scorpio!

Read Your Full Scorpio Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Sagittarius 2023 Horoscope

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After months of hard work, you’re finally getting the recognition you deserve during the full moon in Virgo and your ambition zone on Tuesday. A goal you’ve been working toward since August can finally be achieved. It’s a good time to enjoy your success rather than think about what you could have done better.

No one would ever describe you as a “homebody,” Sagittarius. However, you might become one when Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your home zone. Over the next three years you might finally put down roots, have a family, and learn more about who you truly are.

Relationships take work, and if you want to build one based on trust, devotion, and loyalty, you need to put in the effort, starting when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday. With Juno in your productivity zone, you need to take care of your relationships if they are to bloom and grow.

Read Your Full Sagittarius Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Capricorn 2023 Horoscope

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Start the week by broadening your horizons during the full moon in Virgo and your expansion zone on Tuesday. You might discover things about yourself that change your understanding of the world. It’s a great day for studying because all your research will be fruitful—if you go over everything carefully.

This is also potentially the start of a period of high anxiety once Saturn enters Pisces on Tuesday, moving into your communication zone. The next three years might be plagued by what-ifs as you overanalyze your world. You need to work hard to structure your mind as you separate useful from anxious thoughts, Capricorn.

Deep intimacy in relationships brings pleasure to your life when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your pleasure zone. This is a great time to have fun with your partner or start a spring fling if you’re single. Get ready to fall hard!

Read Your Full Capricorn Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Aquarius 2023 Horoscope

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You’re starting the week on a bit of an intense note during the full moon in Virgo and your transformation zone on Tuesday. The changes you made in August can come to full power now. Sure, you wish things could be different, but you need to let go of past mistakes and embrace the present.

Especially as you enter a new period of your life when Saturn enters Pisces, moving into your value zone on Tuesday. Over the next three years you’ll need to develop a better relationship with money as your values shift. Draw up a strong budget and a stronger sense of self-worth as you invest in things you cannot touch.

Spend the weekend on your domestic life when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your family zone. Keep your private life private this month as you build a solid emotional foundation with someone you care about.

Read Your Full Aquarius Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | Pisces 2023 Horoscope

Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster


Before we get into spring fling season, you’d better lock down any important relationship now during the Virgo full moon on Tuesday. With the moon in your partnership zone, this is an ideal time to make things official with a special person or someone else will.

Tuesday also ushers in a brand-new period of your life as Saturn enters your sign. This three-year transit could begin with an important event that will affect you for a long time. Issues of self-esteem could come up as you find your place in the world. This is a period of collecting your karma, Pisces, for better or worse.

If you want to develop trust and devotion in a relationship, you’ll need to speak up when Juno enters Taurus on Saturday, moving into your communication zone. Use your words to help you gain the trust and intimacy you need as you learn more about each other. Enjoy!

Read Your Full Pisces Horoscope For March 2023

StyleCaster | The Manifest Issue 2023

Remi Bader. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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