Your Career Horoscope For September Wants You To Put A Plan In Motion, Because Virgo Season Is Here

As we settle into the third act of the year, your career horoscope for September 2022 will help you you finish off strong! This month, both the sun and Venus—planet of love, sex, beauty and luxury—will bring you the power of methodical and calculated Virgo. This is a great time to write out a list of what you want to accomplish in your career and start taking baby steps that lead you toward greatness. If you want something, you gotta put your money where your mouth is!

Virgo’s clear path of focus will help immensely, especially once Mercury stations retrograde in Libra as of September 9. This will increase the level of confusion and backward pedaling, which also gives you a chance to spend time reassessing, recalibrating, and reorganizing the way you connect with your work, with yourself and with your professional network.

On September 10, a full moon in watery and intuitive Pisces takes place. Has there been some karmic “gunk” blocking you from going after what you truly want? This will be a perfect time to gain a new perspective and start showing up for the world  on a more spiritual level. Prepare to gain a deeper sense of worthiness and motivation to live out your dreams in real-time. And when the sun enters the balanced and harmonious air sign of Libra on September 22, it will give us all a chance to flesh out our finances (and maybe even the opportunity to sign a new contract or two)!

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With a new moon in Libra lighting the spark of something new on September 25, you’ll be blessed with an opportunity to manifest your wildest dreams. However, instead of turning to extreme methods, embraced a more balanced and measured approach. You may be refining the amount of time you spend on your work. It will also help you solve personal matters and reorganize your personal finances. And because Libra is associated with relationships, it will also inspire you to rethink the level of give and take in your unions. Whatever is feeling “out of whack” will need to be adjusted in order to reap the benefits of this new moon.

Only a few days later, Venus will enter its home sign of Libra, giving us a chance to truly romanticize our work lives and go after the role you’ve been yearning for! Libra is an incredibly charismatic zodiac sign, making this the perfect time to sweet talk your boss into that raise you know you deserve. And if there are still lingering conflicts hindering your relationship with your office mates, this energy will help you compromise and find common ground.

Every zodiac sign can expect something groundbreaking from their career during August. Check your horoscope for both your sun sign and rising sign in order to get full clarity on what this month has in store for your professional endeavors:

How The Planets Will Affect Your Career This Month

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Aries, your sixth house will be illuminated by the Virgo sun during the first three weeks of September giving you an extra push to get your routine in order and take full advantage of your career goals! You will do best when you can prioritize your physical, mental, and emotional health inside and outside of the workplace. Taking a break, sabbatical, or using some PTO might do you well in September. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint.

When the full moon in Pisces arrives on September 10, your twelfth house of sacrifice will be lit up. You may be asked to let go of certain habits, relationships, or even your job all together in order to make room for the right career opportunities to arrive. Remember: you are not defined by anything other than your bright, beautiful heart. Be willing to let go of what (or who) no longer serves you in this chapter as your career starts to move in a new direction, Aries.

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Taurus, you’re getting a full dose of career blessings in September with your fellow Venusian Libra making an appearance with the sun on September 22 (and again as Venus enters Libra on September 29). However, with Mercury retrograde also moving through harmony-loving Libra, you will want to make sure that you’re crossing your T’s and dotting your I’s this month before sending or submitting anything. If you are applying to new jobs, be sure to put your best foot forward and spruce up all of your submissions with some personal touches.

If you’re planning to stay in your current role, use this month to reorganize and redecorate your work space so you feel motivated and happy when you’re working. Remember, your life is a culmination of things you have said “yes” to, so at one point, this was exactly what you wanted or needed! When you show up to your career with gratitude, it will be sure to meet you back with blessings. This month is all about a perspective change bringing you closer to your ultimate goals.

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Gemini, you are going to be extremely confident in the month of September as Virgo season takes the main stage until September 22. Both Gemini *and* Virgo are ruled by clever Mercury, which means your gift of gab will come in handy as you navigate new opportunities to network and upgrade your professional concerns. And remember to have fun, because you thrive when there’s variety in your career! With the full moon in Pisces landing in your tenth house of career, ambition, and motivation on September 10, you can expect the unexpected to feel better than ever. You’re learning what it is you want to achieve, making it that much easier to start formulating a plan for success.

Clear out some time to celebrate your achievements, big or small. You’ll want to be sure to send out an invite to those closest to you. There is going to be more than one reason to pop champagne in September when it comes to your work life. This could even be as simple as giving yourself some time off, but I see dollar signs falling from the sky for you in September.

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Cancer, it looks like September is going to bring you the chance to give someone else a hand when it comes to work. With the Virgo sun falling in your third house of sharing, connections, friendships, and generosity, don’t sleep on the power of karma. When you give others a slice of the pie, you can expect them to come back to you with gold in the not-so-distant future. Whether there’s an open role at your company, two friends you can connect for a creative project, or a way for you to teach or train someone else, I promise you won’t regret being kind when it comes to work and finances this month.

When the full moon in Pisces lands in your ninth house of purpose on September 10, you may be asked to travel for work or think outside of the box for a project that ends up being used as a cornerstone for others. Your voice, thoughts, ideas, and opinions are all very powerful Cancer. Don’t sleep on your own worth this month. It’s time to speak up and make money moves!

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Leo, your second house of material wealth and money this month by the Virgo sun. Did someone say “cold hard cash”? Your investments are tripling, and your time is truly going to be viewed as invaluable to those around you, Leo. Give yourself some time to soak in all of the goodness in September, and maybe even give some of it back to those you love.

When it comes to your work and your professional life, you may find yourself stepping into total abundance and ease before September closes. I see you connecting closely with others when the sun, new moon, and Venus all enter Libra in the final week of the month. These transits will illuminate your third house and bring prosperous conversations and networking opportunities to you like a magnet. Start conversations that inspire you and learn from the people you share similar interests with. After all, how else can you come up with your next genius idea if you’re not finding ways to exercise your brain and your ability to persuade those who matter? Trust in your charisma, Leo.

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Virgo, this month is all about “me, myself, and I” for you in September! Not only is your first house of beginnings and identity being illuminated by Venus on September 5, but you are also having your sixth house lit up by the Pisces Full Moon on September 10. You are receiving blessings on blessings this month, and it’s time for you to gloat! Be sure to share your new achievements with those you love, or better yet, start sharing more of yourself and your life on social media if it will help your career! Remember, your reputation is something that can make or break future opportunities for you, so try to cultivate positive attention rather than any form of attention.

With the new moon in Libra lighting up your second house of money and finances on September 25, you will be truly blessed in the career department before the month closes. Use the next few weeks to set yourself up for success, revamp your resume or LinkedIn profile, add some special touches to your social media posts, or buy yourself a timeless purse or watch to celebrate the direction you’re headed in. It’s okay to put the horse before the cart and preemptively celebrate your success from time-to-time, Virgo.

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Libra, September is going to ask you to get clear about what you want and who you’re trying to impress with the work that you do. Are you looking for a new role or workplace? This month will have you center stage, especially because Libra season begins on September 22. This will flip your sense of self right on it’s axis in the best way possible, making room for who you really are to come forward and allowing you to release habits of performing or perfectionism in your self-expression. However, as the sun in Virgo moves through your 12th house of spirituality during the first half of the month, you may need to give yourself the time and space to understand who you are and where you’re going next.

When you show up truthfully, aligned opportunities in work arrive with ease. Like Shel Silverstein’s famous “Masks” poem teaches us, when we pretend to be someone that we’re not, we walk right by the perfect opportunities. Let the real Libra shine in September, and you will be surely blessed in the career and finance realm!

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The first half of the month will be an incredible time for you to socialize and connect with other professionals. Joining a team effort might be your best move! As the Virgo sun moves through your extraverted 11th house, you’re finding yourself become more connected to your hopes and dreams. And if you’re willing to share these hopes with others, you might find that people come to your aid in more ways than one.

Your intense spirit is going to be tested with your twelfth house of seclusion and spirituality being illuminated on September 22 when the sun enters Libra. This may bring you to the brink of success, but it could also put you in a position to let go of a dream that has begun to lose it’s meaning. After all, the 12th house is associated with endings! However, I am here to remind you that you’ve positioned yourself perfectly to receive these blessings, even if it doesn’t feel like a blessing at first. You have done the inner work to align yourself with the life that you’ve always dreamed of and you will see flashes of this as the month progresses. Nothing is too good to be true, and nothing is too good for you. Release the thought patterns that keep you playing small in your own life (and you are sure to land the leading role this month.

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Sagittarius, your tenth house of ambitions and motivation is being illuminated by the sun in Virgo for the first three weeks of the month. Use this extra burst of energy to set yourself up for success in September (and many months to come).

Even though you might be feeling a burst of motivation as this month begins You’re starting to learn how to play the long game, and I promise that there is no better time than the present to redefine who you are and what you want out of this life. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve been working on something, when you feel ready to shift into a better career, role, or path that is enough reason for you to take a leap of faith! This month is going to bring your true desires to the surface and have you gaining financial blessings from your efforts. Now is the perfect time to start walking down a new path.

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Capricorn, be sure to let yourself think outside of the box in September when it comes to your career and finances. There is nothing too wild nor too good for you in this life. Let yourself move in the right direction as your ninth house of foreign affairs, culture, travel and education gets illuminated by the Virgo sun this month.

Once you set out on a plan for a new educational or work opportunity, everything else will start to fall into place. Worried about finances? Don’t doubt the Universe’s capabilities of bringing you windfalls, blessings, and synchronicities abound. September will truly blow your mind with all of the new chances at living a life you love. Don’t deny the power of becoming a student to life again, Capricorn. There is a beauty in letting go of thinking that you know it all.

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Aquarius, this month will bring you chances to idea share and learn more about yourself and what you truly want out of life. With Mercury Retrograde in Libra from September 9 through the end of the month, you will feel a bit like an alien as you express yourself to others. Remember, it’s not about being well-received, it’s about sharing your truth and letting others do the same.

When you let go of thinking that your job is to entertain or appease the people around you, you will finally feel a sense of lightness when it comes to your work life. Regardless of your current role, can you start to find ways to be both a student and a teacher in your daily life? Let go of gripping so hard to your job title, income, or bank balance and everything will start to find its own equilibrium point with ease. You are supported.

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Pisces, this month will be gifting you with a chance to show your talents on a greater scale. Your first house of identity, self-expression, and image is being illuminated by the full moon on September 10, leaving you feeling confident and more self-assured than ever before. If you’re still struggling to come to terms with where you’re at in your career, it’s time to start faking it til you make it, because you’re the most psychic water sign of all. Trust in your process and stop pushing yourself so hard to have it all figured out. When you start treating your life like a fitting room rather than a waiting room, you’ll begin to enjoy trying on so many different hats, roles, financial standings and career moves.

Now is the time to start playing around with your career and feeling happy about the abstract painting that is your resume. Let life be a little bit more free and easy by simply enjoying the journey more this month. I promise you will be pleasantly surprised with where you end up by the time September wraps.

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