Why Mercury retrograde is more intense this time and how you can protect yourself from the effects

Mercury retrograde is in full swing at the moment – and many people have claimed that they are feeling the effects worse than ever this time around.

Roughly four times a year, for a three-week period, Mercury goes into retrograde – which means that it appears to move backwards – and during that time, many people believe that the planet’s movements can make things in their life go amiss.

From getting fired at work to facing problems in their love lives, people are convinced that Mercury going into retrograde can spark a slew of misfortunes.

Some even feel that it affects their mood, their emotions, and how they communicate with others – and according to social media users, the current Mercury retrograde has been even more intense than normal.

Many people have taken to Twitter to share their dismays over the astrological phenomenon, which kicked off on September 9 and will conclude on October 2, with one user asking, ‘Is it just me or Mercury retrograde has been retrograding more than usual? Wtf.’ 

Mercury retrograde is in full swing at the moment – and many people have claimed that they are feeling the effects worse than ever this time around

Four times a year, for three weeks, Mercury goes into retrograde - meaning it appears to move backwards - and many believe the planet's movements can make things in their life go amiss

Four times a year, for three weeks, Mercury goes into retrograde – meaning it appears to move backwards – and many believe the planet’s movements can make things in their life go amiss

Her post got more than 1,000 retweet and hundreds of replies from people who agreed with her – and shared all the bad things that have happened to them in recent weeks. 

Astrologer Yasmin Boland has weighed in on the event exclusively to DailyMail.com

Astrologer Yasmin Boland has weighed in on the event exclusively to DailyMail.com

But does the planet’s motion really have such a large impact on our lives? What exactly is the science behind it? Why is this one worse than the others? And what can you do to help ease the effects?

Astrologer Yasmin Boland has weighed in on the event exclusively to DailyMail.com, explaining that because it’s occurring during the Zodiac sign Virgo this time around – which is one of its two ‘home signs’ – it acts as a ‘double whammy’ and will have a ‘more intense’ effect than the ‘average Mercury retrograde.’

From how it works to why it happens, here’s what you need to know about Mercury retrograde. 

What exactly is mercury retrograde?

It takes only 88 days for Mercury to orbit around the sun (while it takes Earth 365 days), which means a few times a year, the planet laps us

It takes only 88 days for Mercury to orbit around the sun (while it takes Earth 365 days), which means a few times a year, the planet laps us

Mercury is the smallest planet in the Solar System and the closest one to the sun, which means it also moves the fastest.

It takes only 88 days for Mercury to orbit one full time around the sun (while it takes Earth 365 days), which means a few times a year, the planet laps us.

While all the planets in the solar system move in the same direction around the sun, when Mercury passes Earth – which happens every four months or so – it appears to reverse course and go in the opposite direction.

‘Due of the way the planets orbit the Sun, there are times when, from our vantage point here on earth, it looks like Mercury is retrograding or reversing through the zodiac,’ explained Boland.

When Mercury passes Earth, it appears to go in the opposite direction, but its all an optical illusion. However, some people believe its movements can impact the way we think

When Mercury passes Earth, it appears to go in the opposite direction, but its all an optical illusion. However, some people believe its movements can impact the way we think

In reality, its all an optical illusion and Mercury is still moving the same way – and it actually happens with all of the planets that move faster than us.

‘If you were in a car and another car passed you, you could tell it was going faster than you,’ astrologer Susan Miller wrote in a previous essay for Astrology Zone.

‘But if it slowed down and you then passed it, it would appear that that car was actually going backward.

However, during the three-week period that it’s happening to Mercury, some people believe it can impact the way we think and interact with one another.

How does it really affect us?

While the planet (pictured) is not actually moving backwards, it is passing us during that time, and some astrologers believe that its 'turbulence' can make waves here on Earth

While the planet (pictured) is not actually moving backwards, it is passing us during that time, and some astrologers believe that its ‘turbulence’ can make waves here on Earth

While the planet is not actually moving backwards, it is passing us during that time, and some astrologers believe that it can make waves here on Earth – like a boat that leaves a wake in its path.

‘As Mercury speeds by, it is like a train flying past, creating a powerful, turbulent gust of “wind” in its wake,’ Miller said.

‘The turbulence and disruption Mercury creates when it retrogrades can affect what we feel on Earth in our everyday lives 

‘In astrology, we always believe the following rule is true: “As above, so too below.” By that we mean there is a fractal relationship between the orbits and human activity down here on Earth.’ 

The planet was named after the Roman God of commerce, financial gain, communication, travelers, boundaries, luck, trickery, and thieves – so many are convinced that the planet has an effect on all of those things.

‘This means that we can expect meltdowns, false gossip, miscommunications, technology fails (which is why it’s best to back up files and contacts before the retrograde), issues in travel, missed connections and delays in hearing pertinent information,’ the Today show reported.

‘If you’re expecting a raise or promotion, it could take longer to get the paperwork in motion. 

‘If you’re planning a vacation, you may experience issues while away. Your smartphone could break, you could be accidentally billed twice by the cable company or an old friend or ex could even resurface in some capacity. 

‘An argument could also create tension in a relationship that will be all consuming during this transit.’

Why is this one worse than the rest?

According to Boland, because it's occurring during the Zodiac sign Virgo this time around - which is one of its two 'home signs' - it acts as a 'double whammy'

According to Boland, because it’s occurring during the Zodiac sign Virgo this time around – which is one of its two ‘home signs’ – it acts as a ‘double whammy’

It’s believed that the time that the Mercury retrograde takes place can have an impact on how much it will affect you.

According to Boland, a Sunday Times best-selling author who penned a book called The Mercury Retrograde Book, this time it kicked off during the Zodiac sign Virgo, which may be why you’re feeling the impact more severely.

‘Right now, Mercury is retrograde in the sign of Virgo, which is one of its two home signs (the other is Gemini),’ she told DailyMail.com. 

‘In astrology, this is known as a double whammy – we are going to feel Mercury retrograde in one of its home signs more intensely than your average Mercury retrograde.

‘So if you’ve been feeling that this retrograde is bit crazier than most, now you know why – Mercury being in the sign of Virgo means things can get double-y discombobulated.’

On the bright side, things should ease up now that we have switched over to the Zodiac sign Libra, which began on September 23

 On the bright side, things should ease up now that we have switched over to the Zodiac sign Libra, which began on September 23

On the bright side, things should ease up now that we have switched over to the Zodiac sign Libra, which began on September 23.

Libra is the Zodiac sign of relationships – so The Cut warned that the second half of the Mercury retrograde might see some interesting changes in your love life.

‘Since this Mercury retrograde happens in Libra, don’t be surprised if your closest bonds – including romantic relationships, business partnerships, and even your existing contracts – go through shifts over the next few weeks,’ the outlet reported.

‘Exes may come out of the woodwork (this is a common occurrence during every Mercury retrograde, but still). Resist the temptation to respond.’

Cosmopolitan also claimed that Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are most likely to ‘feel this transit the most,’ while Gemini and Aquarius are expected to have a ‘less dramatic retrograde.’

What can you do to stop the effects of mercury retrograde?

Many astrologers have recommended that you don't freak out when Mercury retrograde hits, but rather, proceed with caution

Many astrologers have recommended that you don’t freak out when Mercury retrograde hits, but rather, proceed with caution

First and foremost, many astrologers have recommended that you don’t freak out when Mercury retrograde hits, but rather, proceed with caution.

Miller suggested to not make ‘any important moves’ during this time, since it’s ‘nearly impossible to nail down a plan’ or make decisions.

Boland said that this can actually be a good thing. She pointed out, 'Mercury retrograde brings a chance to rethink, redo, revisit and rework'

Boland said that this can actually be a good thing. She pointed out, ‘Mercury retrograde brings a chance to rethink, redo, revisit and rework’

‘Mercury retrograde periods would not be good times to do anything involving communications, such as launch a magazine, website, or an advertising or publicity campaign,’ she added.

‘These phases are also considered poor times to launch any new endeavors, even if they are not related to the communications industries.

‘Similarly, a retrograde period is not a good time to sign any contracts or even to shake hands on any new agreements. Do not close on a house during this time nor sign a lease.’ 

She also warned against getting any cosmetic procedures during Mercury retrograde, explaining, ‘These are periods where mistakes are more prone to happen than at other times, or when judgment is off. Your surgeon is under the same conditions as you, so I would suggest waiting.’ 

Miller said you should be ‘extra careful’ when sending important documents through the mail and to be mindful of potential problems with technology.

‘Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for causing computers to crash and for machines, appliances, and other electronic devices to show signs of wear, requiring urgent repair,’ she stated.

‘Backup your computer in advance of any Mercury retrograde period. If you had planned to install new software on your personal computer (or, if you work in IT, on your network), wait until the retrograde period is over to do so. Weird things happen during these periods.’

As for what you can do to protect yourself from the negative aspects of Mercury retrograde, she suggested double checking your work, getting rid of any clutter, and eating healthier

 As for what you can do to protect yourself from the negative aspects of Mercury retrograde, she suggested double checking your work, getting rid of any clutter, and eating healthier

She advised against traveling during Mercury retrograde or making any large purchases.

She suggested: ‘If you are driving any significant distance during a period where Mercury is retrograde, bring extra maps (or make sure your GPS is up to date), make sure you have enough gas, and verify that you have the correct address and clear driving instructions.’

‘If your car is making strange sounds, have it inspected before you leave; you don’t want a problem to emerge when you are on the road.

‘If you are flying, check with your airline to make sure your flight is going to take off on time. 

‘Have your luggage well marked so that it won’t get lost or sent to the wrong airport, and bring your iPod and a good book to the airport, as there could be lots of delays.’

However, Boland added that this can also be a good thing. She pointed out, ‘Mercury retrograde brings a chance to rethink, redo, revisit and rework.

‘Sometimes you just need to go over check back in with and rethink things your partner, ex, friend, or boss, to work things out.

‘Sometimes you need to circle back to a project you started earlier. Sometimes you need to go over old ground. Mercury retrograde is that ideal time for that.’

As for what you can do to protect yourself from the negative aspects of Mercury retrograde, she suggested double checking your work and finishing anything you’ve half-started, getting rid of any clutter, getting a health check-up, and revising your diet so that it’s healthier. 

Brace for impact! Twitter users vent their frustrations about ‘intense’ Mercury retrograde 

Many people have taken to Twitter to share their dismays over the astrological phenomenon, which kicked off on September 9 and will conclude on October 2, with one user asking, ‘Is it just me or Mercury retrograde has been retrograding more than usual? Wtf.’ 

Her post got more than 1,000 retweet and hundreds of replies from people who agreed with her – and shared all the bad things that have happened to them in recent weeks.

‘I got scammed out of money, just ridiculous,’ wrote one person, while another added, ‘Someone hit and run my car. Plates traced back to nothing.’

‘I broke my MacBook’s screen and broke the backup monitor I was using,’ said someone else. ‘And I thought I lost my wedding ring.’

‘I work at a daycare and my babies haven’t stopped losing their mind since it started,’ read another tweet.

A different user claimed that they have felt ‘weird and angrier than ever’ since Mercury went into retrograde, while another wrote, ‘This s**t has been crazy.’

‘This one got me the most out all of them this year,’ said someone else.

Another social media user agreed, ‘I never really get affected by retrograde but this one has been so weird.’ 

‘This is the first one I’ve felt. Really forced me to step back, revisit, and go within to places I buried,’ shared a different person. 

According to social media users, the current Mercury retrograde has been even more intense than  normal this time

According to social media users, the current Mercury retrograde has been even more intense than  normal this time


Many people have taken to Twitter to share their dismays over the astrological phenomenon, which kicked off on September 9 and will conclude on October 2

Many people have taken to Twitter to share their dismays over the astrological phenomenon, which kicked off on September 9 and will conclude on October 2

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