White House denounces purported Russian plan to install pro-Kremlin puppet leader in Ukraine

The White House has warned of ‘swift and severe consequences’ to a Russian invasion of Ukraine after a British intelligence assessment accused Moscow of plotting to install a pro-Kremlin administration in Kiev.

President Joe Biden met with his national security team at Camp David on Saturday to discuss ‘continued Russian aggressive actions toward Ukraine,’ the White House said in a statement.

‘He affirmed that if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States will impose swift and severe consequences on Russia with our Allies and partners,’ the statement added. 

Earlier on Saturday, the British government said former Ukrainian lawmaker Yevheniy Murayev is being considered as a potential candidate to lead a pro-Russia puppet government in Kiev.

Murayev is head of the small pro-Russian party Nashi, which currently holds no seats in Ukraine’s parliament, and the UK assessment did not specify what means Russia might use to install him. 

President Joe Biden met with his national security team at Camp David on Saturday to discuss ‘continued Russian aggressive actions toward Ukraine’

Russian tanks T-72B3 take part in drills at the Kadamovskiy firing range in the Rostov region in southern Russia, near the border with Ukraine

Russian tanks T-72B3 take part in drills at the Kadamovskiy firing range in the Rostov region in southern Russia, near the border with Ukraine

Russian leader Valdimir Putin has delivered demands to Western powers, including that NATO halt any eastward expansion and military drills in Eastern Europe

Former Ukrainian lawmaker Yevheniy Murayev (above) could be tapped by Russia to lead a puppet government, the UK said

The British government said Putin is considering former Ukrainian lawmaker Yevheniy Murayev (right) as a potential candidate to lead a pro-Russia puppet government in Kiev 

The White House called the U.K. government assessment ‘deeply concerning’ and said it stands with the duly elected Ukrainian government.

‘This kind of plotting is deeply concerning,’ said National Security Council spokeswoman Emily Horne. ‘The Ukrainian people have the sovereign right to determine their own future, and we stand with our democratically-elected partners in Ukraine.’

The new assessment comes as Russian troops mass on the border with Ukraine and fears of an imminent invasion rise, with the US State Department reportedly preparing to evacuate the families of embassy personnel in Kiev.

The U.S. has mounted an aggressive campaign in recent months to unify its European allies against a new Russian invasion of Ukraine, which increasingly appears imminent. 

It its assessment, Britain’s Foreign Office named several other Ukrainian politicians it said had links with Russian intelligence services.

The UK government made the claim based on an intelligence assessment, without providing evidence to back it up.

Russia has rejected Western complaints about its troop buildup (above) near Ukraine, saying it deploys them wherever it deems necessary on its own territory

Russia has rejected Western complaints about its troop buildup (above) near Ukraine, saying it deploys them wherever it deems necessary on its own territory

British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss said the information ‘shines a light on the extent of Russian activity designed to subvert Ukraine, and is an insight into Kremlin thinking.’

Truss urged Russia to ‘de-escalate, end its campaigns of aggression and disinformation, and pursue a path of diplomacy,’ and reiterated Britain´s view that ‘any Russian military incursion into Ukraine would be a massive strategic mistake with severe costs.’

Britain has sent anti-tank weapons to Ukraine as part of efforts to bolster its defenses against a potential Russian attack.

Amid diplomatic efforts to defuse the crisis, U.K. Defense Secretary Ben Wallace is expected to meet Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu for talks in Moscow. 

No timing has been given for the meeting, which would be the first U.K.-Russia bilateral defense talks since 2013. 

Civilian participants in a Kyiv Territorial Defence unit train on a Saturday in a forest on Saturday. Across Ukraine thousands of civilians are participating in such groups to receive basic combat training and in time of war would be under direct command of the military

Civilian participants in a Kyiv Territorial Defence unit train on a Saturday in a forest on Saturday. Across Ukraine thousands of civilians are participating in such groups to receive basic combat training and in time of war would be under direct command of the military

While Ukrainian officials have acknowledged the country has little chance to fend off a full Russian invasion, Russian occupation troops would likely face a deep-rooted, decentralized and prolonged insurgency. Ukrainian civilian volunteers are seen above in training

While Ukrainian officials have acknowledged the country has little chance to fend off a full Russian invasion, Russian occupation troops would likely face a deep-rooted, decentralized and prolonged insurgency. Ukrainian civilian volunteers are seen above in training

People rallying in patriotic support of Ukraine walk with a 500 meter long ribbon in the colors of the Ukrainian flag on Unity Day on Saturday in Kyiv, Ukraine. Speakers at the rally demanded Ukrainian membership in the European Union and the NATO military alliance

People rallying in patriotic support of Ukraine walk with a 500 meter long ribbon in the colors of the Ukrainian flag on Unity Day on Saturday in Kyiv, Ukraine. Speakers at the rally demanded Ukrainian membership in the European Union and the NATO military alliance

Russia has denied it is planning an invasion, but Putin has issued demands to the West which he says concern Russia’s security, including not allowing Ukraine to join NATO. 

He also insists that NATO abandon military exercises in the region and to stop sending weapons to eastern Europe.

The assessment came as Biden spent Saturday at the presidential retreat Camp David outside of Washington huddling with his senior national security team about the Ukraine situation.

In another development, the Baltic nations of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania plan to send U.S.-made anti-tank and anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine, a move that the United States fully endorsed Saturday amid Kyiv´s escalating tensions with Russia.

The defense ministers of the three Baltic states said in a joint statement that they ‘stand united in our commitment to Ukraine´s sovereignty and territorial integrity in face of continued Russian aggression.’

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a tweet that Washington saluted the NATO nations and former Soviet republics ‘for their longstanding support to Ukraine.’

‘I expedited and authorized and we fully endorse transfers of defensive equipment @NATO Allies Estonia Latvia Lithuania are providing to Ukraine to strengthen its ability to defend itself against Russia´s unprovoked and irresponsible aggression,’ Blinken said in another tweet.

Russian tanks are seen massing near the Ukrainian border earlier this month

Russian tanks are seen massing near the Ukrainian border earlier this month

A Russian Su-35S is seen leaving for Belarus for drills near the Ukrainian border

A Russian Su-35S is seen leaving for Belarus for drills near the Ukrainian border

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov earlier this week described the West supplying arms to Ukraine as extremely dangerous and said the shipments ‘do nothing to reduce tensions.’

Moscow has massed tens of thousands of troops near the Russia-Ukraine border, leading to fears of an invasion. The West has rejected Moscow´s main demands – promises from NATO that Ukraine will never be added as a member, that no alliance weapons will be deployed near Russian borders, and that it will pull back its forces from Central and Eastern Europe.

A meeting Friday between Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov ended with no breakthrough. Amid the uncertain security situation, the U.S. State Department has been considering a range of options to ensure the safety and security of the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv and its employees by moving to reduce its diplomatic presence there.

The defense ministers of the Baltic states said in their statement that Estonia would provide Javelin anti-tank weapons while Latvia and Lithuania were sending Stinger anti-aircraft missiles and other related equipment to bolster Kyiv´s defensive military capabilities. It wasn´t immediately clear when the weapons and equipment would be sent to Ukraine.

‘Today, Ukraine is at the forefront of separating Europe from the military conflict with Russia. Let’s face it, the war in Ukraine is ongoing and it is important to support Ukraine in every way we can so that they can resist the aggressor,’ Estonian Defense Minister Kalle Laanet said.

Estonia also is seeking Germany’s approval to send Soviet-made howitzers, which once belonged to East Germany, to Ukraine. 

Estonia acquired the howitzers from non-NATO member Finland, which in turn had bought them from Germany´s military surplus supply in the 1990s.

The German government said Friday that it was considering Estonia´s request to pass the howitzers on to Ukraine but gave no timeline for a decision. Berlin said it planned to coordinate the issue with Finland, which has received a similar approval request from Estonia.

Berlin routinely demands a say when German-sold weapons are transferred to third countries. But some recent media reports suggested German Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Cabinet could block Estonia´s transfer of weapons to Kyiv, highlighting divisions in the West´s response to the Ukraine crisis.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba alleged Saturday that Germany was not showing adequate support for Ukraine.

Kuleba said in a Twitter post that the weapons transfer issue and remarks by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock expressing skepticism about cutting off Russia from the SWIFT global payments system ‘do not correspond to the level of our relations and the current security situation.’

Also Saturday, the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned the German ambassador to object to recently circulated video in which the head of the German navy said that Ukraine would not regain the Crimean Peninsula, which Russia annexed in 2014, and that Russian President Vladimir Putin deserved ‘respect.’

A convoy of Russian armoured vehicles moves along a highway in Crimea, Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Ukraine today condemned Germany for its refusal to supply weapons to Kyiv, urging Berlin to stop 'undermining unity' and 'encouraging Vladimir Putin' amid fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine

A convoy of Russian armoured vehicles moves along a highway in Crimea, Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Ukraine today condemned Germany for its refusal to supply weapons to Kyiv, urging Berlin to stop ‘undermining unity’ and ‘encouraging Vladimir Putin’ amid fears of a Russian invasion of Ukraine

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace will meet his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in Moscow for talks to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis as the country's servicemen (pictured, Russian troops take part in military drills in Rostov in southern Russia, less than 70 miles from the Ukrainian frontier) take part in drills along the border amid fears of an invasion

UK Defence Secretary Ben Wallace will meet his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoigu in Moscow for talks to de-escalate the Ukraine crisis as the country’s servicemen (pictured, Russian troops take part in military drills in Rostov in southern Russia, less than 70 miles from the Ukrainian frontier) take part in drills along the border amid fears of an invasion

The comments by vice admiral Kay-Achim Schoenbach sparked consternation and a swift rebuke back in Berlin. 

By late Saturday, the German navy chief had tendered his resignation, saying he wanted to prevent further damage resulting from his ‘ill-considered statements’ in India.

The U.S. State Department is currently warning U.S. citizens not to visit Ukraine due to the coronavirus pandemic but is also advising them to reconsider travel there due to potential Russian aggression.

Speculation that an announcement about the U.S. diplomatic presence in Ukraine may be imminent has increased since the embassy in Kyiv announced it would hold a virtual town hall meeting about the security situation with U.S. citizens in Ukraine on Tuesday.

Discussions on the matter have been underway for some time, but Blinken went over the contingency plans with the embassy´s security team when he visited Kyiv on Wednesday, officials said.

The officials stressed that no decisions had yet been made and that an outright evacuation is not being considered. 

One possible scenario would be to order the families of American personnel to leave the country while allowing non-essential staffers to depart voluntarily at government expense, they said. 

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