The secret to getting ahead in your career in 2022 based on your STAR SIGN

The dawn of a new year means many of us will be thinking about the things we want to improve, including our jobs. 

Here, two British astrologers explain how the key to getting ahead in your career could be written in the stars. 

Psychic astrologist Julie Chandler, founder of, explained Pluto will have a strong impact on the year. 

‘Pluto rules transformation so ending it’s cycle means shedding old patterns and ways of life that we once had. This is seen with the vast transformations covid has had on how we choose to work and live our lives the last few years including huge numbers of people transitioning to self-employment or side hustles.’

Together with intuitive astrologer and life coach Sade Jackson, Julie explains what to expect from the year ahead…    


March 21 – April 19 

The secret to success is in the stars: Astrologers Julie Chandler and Sade Jackson shared how to get ahead in your career based on your star sign (file image)

Julie said: As a sign you are brave and decisive which sits perfectly in freelance or self-employed roles. If you haven’t already branched out into the solo-preneuar world 2022 would be a fantastic year to do so.

Venus is in retrograde at the start of the year sitting in your 10th house has you thinking about your value around career and life purpose. You may find at the top of the year you’re making plans for what you want to achieve, setting up a passive income stream or similar projects that you find more fulfilling.

Throughout the year the solar and lunar eclipses April/May and Oct/November will touch upon your 2nd house of money, and your 8th house on shared possessions. Through these times look to start new business ideas, new income streams in line with what’s important to you.

Relationships and the dynamics at work if you’re in employment this year will be tested and shifted as you set healthy boundaries in what you want and deserve. Don’t be afraid to ask for that pay rise, especially around the new moon on 30th April.

In May Jupiter moves into your sign until October, anything you start fresh during this phase will expand. Expect positions of leadership to arise, promotions or new opportunities. When it moves back to the 12th house on October 29th things will quieten down but you will be in a position of assuredness feeling guided by your intuition and the universe.

Sade said: You represent the pioneer in the zodiac family, and you’ll be stepping into 2022 with a new vision for your career path. By May 10th, you’ll start a brand new 12-year cycle, as the planet of expansion Jupiter will be moving into your home sign. Jupiter will give you the confidence to break down old boundaries and expand your vision to see limitless possibilities.

Be sure to share your new creative ideas with those that can act as a good sounding board. Dream big, and you may be pleasantly surprised to see how the universe conspires behind the scenes to support your mission. 

Map out your passion projects, and invest your energy into those that make you feel alive. Collaborate with your community as this will help you forge closer connections, as your network is your net worth. Don’t forget ‘pace is better than speed’. 


April 20 – May 20 

It's who you know that matters! For Taurus, it's a great time to start networking, pushing your boundaries as there will be a host of opportunities out there for you in these areas

It’s who you know that matters! For Taurus, it’s a great time to start networking, pushing your boundaries as there will be a host of opportunities out there for you in these areas

What Sade says… 

Start off the year by writing down your personal mission statement. As the three keywords that will be hovering over the crystal ball are: purpose, legacy, and mission. This year reminds you to keep your eye on the ‘bigger goal’ Your sign is gifted with great tenacity and endurance to play the long game in your career. 

In a world that values short-term gratification, you’ll surpass your peers and achieve notoriety in your industry. Keep your eye on the prize, as Mercury rotates in your sign on May 22nd until June 3rd Mercury. On July 31st when Uranus aka the planet of innovation joins hands with the destiny point “North Node” you’ll likely create a whole new strategy that will gift you new ideas to work smarter and not harder. Additionally, you may reminisce about long-forgotten dreams and desires that you may have placed on the back burner that may spring to life.

Julie said: You are most comfortable with slow and steady progress in your career, so the quick transitions later in the year with Jupiter moving into your 12th house may feel uncomfortable at first but just know they are guided by the universe in your favor. This year will be a process of trusting your instinct in your choices within your career.

Venus being retrograde at the start of the year is asking everyone to evaluate their value, positioned in your 9th house you could be pulled to learning something new or up leveling on your skillset, jump on this it’s a positive for your future. 

Also being aware of all the knowledge you have in your field already is a great way to establish your value, to position yourself well in your career throughout the year should opportunities arise. 

You could be pulled to transform into a new field with this learning, the Solar and lunar eclipses this year sit in your 7th and 11th houses bringing the focus on relationships and community throughout April/May and Oct/Nov.

Think about the value you find in the relationships at work, how can you strengthen your position in your network, or view things from other perspectives.

It’s a great time to start networking, pushing your boundaries as there will be a host of opportunities out there for you in these areas. 

Hop on LinkedIn and start building connections this year you’ll be thankful you did.

By the end of the year you’ll be in a position to reflect back on your growth and talents this year, you’ll be learning a lot, taking on new projects and exposing yourself to new people who can get you to places you’d dreamt of at the start of the year.


May 21 – June 20 

Make time for 'me' time: Julie said Gemini can benefit from lowering their stress levels and practicing mindfulness to gain a new insight into their work (file image)

Make time for ‘me’ time: Julie said Gemini can benefit from lowering their stress levels and practicing mindfulness to gain a new insight into their work (file image)

Sade said: You embody the ‘creative genius’ and this year, your ‘juices’ overflow. If you feel as though your job has been too predictable for too long, you’ll not only feel it, but you’ll want to do something about it. The backdrop of your career may require new plastering and a lick of fresh paint. 

Your inherent curious nature marks ‘boredom’ as a sin. You may board “The Great Resignation” ship if your current environment is unable to adapt to your new needs. However, you have Saturn on your side to ground your witty ideas into reality.

On October 30th to January 12th, Mars will spin into retrograde motion in your home sign. If your projects around this time, don’t fully get off the floor perhaps you may need to slow down and practice the art of patience.

Julie said: Your sign is often restless, wanting more and more from your career and life. You’re powerful in your quest for transformation having taken on projects in the past and brought them to the next level in your career. Now with Venus in retrograde sitting in your 8th house this leveling up of projects will be highlighted in your reflections and wishes for the year ahead. You become aware of your value in how much you bring to the table and how beneficial it is for the company you work for. This will be something to remember this year when standing in your value.

As a social sign you will benefit heavily when Jupiter moves into your 11th house of connections and community on May 11th. Use this time to seek a different environment from the career ladder you are in, perhaps looking into more soul fulfilling groups and settings. These will help you evaluate the way you communicate and view your story in your career this year.

The solar and lunar eclipses this year, Mar/April and Oct/Nov, hit your 12th and 6th house, bridging the gap between your energetic spiritual side and your healthy routines. Looking at ways to bring your sense of connection to something bigger into your workplace will be important to you this year, looking at ensuring you lower your stress levels connecting to a mindfulness practice will help you view your work in a new light which will mean others see you in that new light also, which opens doors to new opportunities. 


June 21 – July 22 

Bright spark: Cancer could very well be pulled to ensure your creativity is utilised more within your role, or by launching a side project that lights you up. File image

Bright spark: Cancer could very well be pulled to ensure your creativity is utilised more within your role, or by launching a side project that lights you up. File image

Julie said: As an intuitive and likely empathetic person, you’re a caregiver no matter where you work. Boundaries are an important tool for you within a work environment and this may be a point of reflection with the Venus retrograde at the beginning of the year, until Jan 29th. 

What Sade says… 

Sade said: Optimism is on your side this year. Cancer’s seek comfort, familiarity and security but this year you’re more likely to step into the unknown with an added boost of faith. Expect an increased surge of intuitive insights towards the beginning of the year, as this will help guide your next career moves. Dive deep into the worlds of your imagination, as this will open the gateway to your creative power. A treasure chest of new opportunities are on their way, but are your hands too full to accept them?

Your level of self-belief is elevated to greater heights, and the richness of your confidence inspires the hearts of many. Remember, to make your goals realistic, so that your boss can see your higher vision.

What does successful leadership look like to you? You may be more inclined to step into a new position of power to create a bigger impact.

Sitting in your 7th house of relationships and partnerships you’ll start the year thinking about what type of work relationships and dynamics suit you as well as which you place value in. 

Reflecting on how much you give to your role and to those around you at work is important this year, setting your boundaries on how much over time you do and what else you place value in will be a recurring theme throughout the year for you.

The eclipses this year, April/May and Oct/Nov, sit in your 11th and 5th houses, triggering reflections and new beginnings around friendships & your creativity.

You could very well be pulled to ensure your creativity is utilised more within your role, or by launching a side project that lights you up.

Jupiter travels through your 10th house, between May – October, which highlights taking risks. A new direction in your career would be successful around this time. 

Jupiter expands whatever is going on so if you’re launching a side project or something creative this is the time to do it. Step out into this new avenue this year, your inner child and joyous nature will thank you.

If you don’t fancy stepping out on your own, perhaps there is a project you could take on at work that sparks a creative joy in you. By the end of the year you will find you’re being pulled to learn and expand more in the area that’s bringing you joy.


July 23 – August 22 

Keep learning: Julie advises Leo to embrace opportunities to travel and learn as expanding skills will continue to be beneficial (file image)

Keep learning: Julie advises Leo to embrace opportunities to travel and learn as expanding skills will continue to be beneficial (file image)

What Sade says… 

Sade said: Moving with ultimate intention will set you up for long-term success. Creativity and charisma are your resources to use to your advantage. Use this year to cultivate your skills, absorb new information and you’ll see in the years to come how this will pay off in the long run. Refrain from sacrificing long-term gains for short-term wins, and you’ll see how you can achieve your regal career reputation. By the end of the year, you’ll have earned your seat at the table and a newfound sense of strength.

If you place yourself in the right space, you may be lucky enough to attract your own personal career ‘obi one kenobi’ Your point of elevation is to learn from a trusted mentor figure who can see your potential. Exellence is built over time, and priceless wisdom will be collected like jewels on each step. Follow the trail to greatness.

Julie said: You’re confident in your career path Leo and this year looks like a progressive one for you! The lunar and solar eclipses this year, in April/May and Oct/Nov, activate your 10th house of career & your 4th house home environment. 

You will be viewing how you handle your work/life balance, how you can elevate your career and there is opportunity for promotion or expansion in your role around April when you’ll be thrust forward as the star of the show. 

Your focus at the top of the year with the energy of Venus retrograde, through to 29th Jan, is that of your daily habits. Again, thinking of work/life balance, how can you bring better value to your time and energy this year. 

By the end of the year this work/life balance thinking will have shifted to reflecting on your colleagues and connections as Mars goes retrograde triggering your 11th house. 

You may wonder what the next steps are at this time if you did gain the promotion or new role earlier in the year, you could already be wondering where you’re heading next and if there is any further room for progression in your present company or location. Don’t make any rash decisions during mars retrograde which comes to an end on 1st Jan 2023

Jupiter moves into your 9th house, on May 11th through to October, if there is an opportunity for travel or further learning/development with work around this time, take it. You’ll benefit from the expansion and skills that you may learn and they’ll be beneficial when you move into 2023. Think of it as good CV points.


August 23 – September 22 

Ask yourself Virgo: What do you enjoy creating? Take time to think about that at the start of the year. It could be something you do at your job already or it could be a pursuit you¿ve enjoyed since you were young, either way embrace thinking about how that would look this year

Ask yourself Virgo: What do you enjoy creating? Take time to think about that at the start of the year. It could be something you do at your job already or it could be a pursuit you’ve enjoyed since you were young, either way embrace thinking about how that would look this year 

Julie said: You’re a sign that likes order and efficiency, this year it’s going to be about ditching any perfectionism to ensure you’re making progress. No more sweating the small stuff Virgo. Venus in retrograde at the top of the year will have you looking into your creative traits and if you haven’t already, I would be using these skills in your career or side hustle. 

What Sade says… 

Leveraging your ability to be agile this year will allow you to juggle different projects which add passion and zest in your career realm. Particularly at the beginning of the year, you may be invited to contribute to a range of new proposals. Remember, strategy is your superpower and you can use this to streamline your workflow. 

This energy will open up new perspectives which will show you how to play to your strengths. Tap into your inner Van Gough, as you may be inspired to add an artistic touch to your work, which may attract an audience effortlessly.

On September 23rd – October 2nd, Mercury retrograde stations in your sign. This retrograde cycle may prompt you to switch up your work routine if your productivity rate is falling by the weigh side. This will be a great time to strip away distractions and give up the illusion of perfection.

The world is changing as more and more people are becoming aware they can make an income, small or large, with pursuits they enjoy. What do you enjoy creating? Take time to think about that at the start of the year. It could be something you do at your job already or it could be a pursuit you’ve enjoyed since you were young, either way embrace thinking about how that would look this year.

The solar and lunar eclipses, in Apr/May and Oct/Nov, are in your 9th and 3rd houses this year. Meaning you will be looking at learning new things, potentially teaching others how to do what you do. If there is scope in your position or career to teach others this year is a great one to start. It will also be a year that you look to quieten your mind and relieve work stress. 

Sometimes you say yes to all the things and leave little room for your mental health, finding ways to cater to your mind will help you move forward this year. You may be drawn to your creative pursuits as an income stream to allow your mental health to flourish.

Jupiter moves into your 8th house in May until October, expanding what it touches. If there is a sign of investments during this time, jump on it. Perhaps your company will bring in a learning/education budget, perhaps someone will invest in your side hustle. This is a great opportunity throughout this time for your higher learning and development for your career.

At the end of the year Mars goes retrograde and for you it does this in your 10th house of career, it doesn’t like moving backwards but it’s a perfect time to reflect. You may have a very different outlook on your career by the end of the year, especially if you hold onto what you learnt about your values at the start of the year in Venus retrograde.


September 23 – October 22 

A work from home makeover: For Libra, there could be a heavy focus on the value you place on your work space, especially if working from home. Stock image

A work from home makeover: For Libra, there could be a heavy focus on the value you place on your work space, especially if working from home. Stock image

What Sade says… 

Sade said: The bigger the risk, the bigger the reward. The balancing act for you this year, is weighing up the possibilities that exist on the other side of fear. Throughout your life, the planet of beauty, Venus has attracted you to surroundings advocate for equality and fairness. Open your arms to receiving support from your trusted allies. You are likely to feel more confident with the right people championing your efforts. Set an intention to call in powerful partnerships to help you get to the next level.

Great momentum is building up around you this year, be sure to embrace the opportunities to branch out into uncharted territory. As a tactful diplomat, seize the moment to renegotiate your role as your superiors may be more open to your requests.

Julie said: Your sign is synonymous with justice, fairness and balance and this could be highlighted a lot in the workplace this year. Venus in retrograde through Jan will be in your 4th house which revolves around our home and family. 

This will be particularly relevant to those of you still working from home, there could be a heavy focus on the value you place on your work space either separating it from your home life so you have down time outside of work hours or making it feel more homely so you feel comfortable in your settings working from home especially if you thought you’d be heading back to the office by now and it looks like it might be a longer stint yet.

Your solar and lunar eclipses this year, Apr/May and Oct/Nov, are highlighting your 8th and 2nd house focusing on your earnings and shared possessions. I’d be looking at re-evaluating your pay to workload scale this year, and you may be looking to earn in a different way. Your sign wants things to be balanced and fair, you may be noticing this year that pay scales are slightly off for the amount you’re doing or inequality to pay at the company is becoming apparent for you this year. 

This could be highlighted between May – October as Jupiter transitions into through your 7th house of relationships and partnerships, during this time whatever is going on will be expanded so be careful if you’re confronting anyone about pay inequality during this time in the pursuit of fairness, approach in as non-confrontational way as possible. Demonstrating your value rather than highlighting the undervaluing going on at this time will be better served, as will leaning into your strong work relationships. 

There will be others willing to support your success in your company this year. Your sign thrives on motivating relationships, people cheering you on, being open to these people at work throughout May – October will be rewarding for you. As Jupiter then moves back into your 6th house in October things will be less stressful as it looks to expand your healthy routines around work.


October 23 – November 21 

New chapter? Julie warns Scorpio may experience a lack of fulfilment in their current job as they start to desire creativity (file image)

New chapter? Julie warns Scorpio may experience a lack of fulfilment in their current job as they start to desire creativity (file image)

Julie said: Throughout January as Venus is retrograde in your 3rd house of communication you are likely to find yourself evaluating if you are speaking up for things you believe in your career. 

What Sade says… 

Sade said: Transformation is the cornerstone for the Scorpion clan. How has your idea of your career changed over the past year? What gives you a sense of purpose, and how does it support your ambitions? Any part of your career path, including your working environment, is up for review.

Know where your heart lives, as this will help you determine if you’re building towards your legacy or building castles in the sky. The seeds you planted some years ago, may be coming into a time of harvest. No good deed goes unrewarded. Don’t be surprised if you’re presented with a fork in the road moment on the Scorpio eclipses on May 16th and October 25th.

Assess all the possible eventualities of your new choice, and trust your gut to make the executive decision. Empowerment is a priceless resource, you can acquire in your career zone this year.

Do you value the work you do? Are you being valued for the work you do? If there is an opportunity to communicate your value to ask for a pay rise this year then be brave in voicing your worth. 

Your sign will benefit from reframing your value mindset and how you attract money into your life this year, releasing any old money blocks will help the £’s increase for you in 2022 Scorpio. 

Your sign is about evolution and shedding the old skin and ways of thinking to bring about something new and 2022 is your year for that around your worth in your career. 

This is highlighted further as your Solar and lunar eclipses this year, Apr/May and Oct/Nov, travel through your 1st and 7th houses. The 1st house is all about self.

How you want to be seen and who you want to be. There could be some major shifts coming through for your position, career path and how much you earn this year.

Your 7th house highlights relationships/partnerships, if you are tempted to step out on your own this year as self-employed the eclipse seasons will be the times you’ll be pushed forward in this capacity, especially Oct/Nov seasons, you’ll be wanting to shine as an individual and release any outdated partnerships at this time.

Jupiter transitions back into your 5th house of creativity in October. 

It is at this time you may be pulled to be more involved in things that bring you joy or become very aware that your current job doesn’t fulfill you which would coincide with the second eclipse season pulling you into a new pathway.


November 22 – December 21 

Julie said: You’re a freedom seeking sign Sagittarius and this year you begin to really look at ways you can get out and see the world and this comes down to money & work. 

What Sade says… 

Sade said: 2021 catapulted you into the depths of your studies and 2022 commands you to put your learnings into practical action. This year we continue that very same journey, with added passion. You’ll be coming into the new year, with a stronger idea of your ‘true north’ Feel the heat in your heels, as the embers of your inner fires keep your motivation on a steady incline.

Do what you can to expand the avenues, channels, and audiences who encounter you. Be brave to cross new borders as travel may take you on a voyage. Surrender to the journey of the year, as this will allow you to discover new sources of inspiration. As the world leans into remote work structures, broaden your horizons in other lands across the world.

What, if anything, is holding you back from thriving in your current role? By answering that question honestly, you’ll be one step closer to living a full and wholesome career.

The Venus retrograde highlights your 2nd house of finances so you will be looking and thinking about expanding your income this year. Spend time planning how you can achieve that pay rise, what boxes are you ticking to get income or can you add another product to your business range. 

The eclipse season will hit your 6th and 12th houses, which will occur in Apr/May and Oct/Nov, where you take a focus on your routines and connecting to something bigger. This will highlight your work/life balance as a priority. It would be worth thinking about finances and if you were to take time off to get away where needed, how that can happen. You’re a sign that doesn’t sit well with restrictions so that downtime and travel time is important to you, so factoring that into your work schedule and finances is a big goal this year. 

Trusting your gut instinct around the eclipse season will be very important for you as a sign, if there’s new management coming in and it feels off trust it, if a new girl starts and you radiate towards her trust that too. Whatever your gut instinct says trust it, the universe is nudging you along this year Sagittarius. 

Jupiter moves into your 5th house of creativity and joy through May – October before moving back into your 4th house of home, you like many other signs will be facing the call to do something more with your time and money, when Jupiter moves through your 5th house it could pull you to look at ways to make money from what you love and enjoy, thinking of a second income stream could afford you the luxury of travel this year Sagittarius.


December 22 – January 19 

Close look: Capricorn will benefit starting this year looking at your value in finances and self-love, these will be highlighted throughout the year in how you approach work opportunities

Close look: Capricorn will benefit starting this year looking at your value in finances and self-love, these will be highlighted throughout the year in how you approach work opportunities

Julie said: You’re an organised sign when it comes to work Capricorn and it frustrates you having to clear up after others in the workplace. Venus retrograde in your 1st house is a big one for you, our 1st house is our self and Venus retrograde asks us to reflect on our love and finances. 


Sade said: Release fixed notions of your ‘ideal’ career, as you may discover that you’re secretly yearning for ‘more’ Striving for security and stability is your forte, however, expect 2022 to dissolve old limited mindsets of what is possible. Seeing beyond the threshold of tradition, what new blueprint would you like to carve out this year? Exercise the spirit of originality, as this will invigorate your youthful senses to dance with new prospects.

By the end of the year, the architecture of your old career path would have long gone out of the window. Pop the kettle on, as you can now settle into the new foundations of your career path. At the top end of the year, Mercury retrograde briefly merges with your sign on January 25th until February 3rd. However, the last Mercury retrograde of the year, will orbit in your sign on December 29th (until January 18th 2023) In both retrograde portals, flashes of insight fall from the sky to prompt you to smooth over any rough edges.

You will benefit starting this year looking at your value in finances and self-love, these will be highlighted throughout the year in how you approach work opportunities as you’ll be able to set strong boundaries when your value of self is held high, so you don’t get underpaid for clearing up everyone’s work mistakes or laziness

Your solar and lunar eclipses this year, Apr-May and Oct/Nov, highlight your 5th and 11th houses bringing the focus on creativity & what you love, as well as communities and social life. 

You are another of the signs that can thrive in self-employment or with a side hustle and these Luna eclipses could help you set up networks in which you can sell a product or service, especially the first of the two. Within traditional employment these times will be great for networking and getting your face & name known within your company and industry so take advantage of those.

Jupiter transitions into your 4th house throughout May-October and highlights your family, which also includes your work tribe. Networking and putting in the effort through these months to expand your team, group or network will pay off big time as Jupiter sets to expand your intentions throughout this period. 

Jupiter moves back into the communication 3rd house in October where you’ll be pulled more to learning and expanding knowledge, especially in your healthy routines and thinking of your mental health around your work/life balance, to close the year out.


January 20 – February 18 

Julie said Aquarius will do well to spread their voice as they will be able to get people on board with their ideas (file image)

Julie said Aquarius will do well to spread their voice as they will be able to get people on board with their ideas (file image) 

What Sade says… 

Sade said: Innovation will be your focal point for the duration of 2022. The very first mercury retrograde of the year kick starts in your sign on January 14th until January 25th. Colour outside the lines of convention as this is the route to good fortune. As you look above to gain clarity, keep your eyes on the ground to develop these fresh brain waves into reality. Channeling your non-conformist nature into your work allows you to act on high-concept ideas and develop a well-seasoned portfolio.

What does a revolutionary career look like? How would you like to switch up the status quo in your field? These are pivotal questions to spark new cutting-edge instructions to support your next moves. When you dare to be brave, you dare to be great. The direction you build towards will contribute greatly to your 5-year or 10-year plan.

Julie said: You guys start the year using the energy of Venus retrograde in your 12 house to look at your bigger purpose. You may feel a pull towards your personal ‘why’ and this will help you find your place in career/business this year. Why you are in the role you are, why you help the people you help etc. 

Your sign is known as the rebel of astrology, going against the grain of the usual but also being idealistic in knowing how things should be. This year you are leaning into this more and more in your career, from simple things of making the company more environmentally conscious or helping others by teaching about a cause you’re passionate about.

The eclipse seasons highlight your 4th and 10th houses, home and work life in Apr/May and Oct/Nov, you could be looking to build a new work tribe of people who want to make things better at work similarly to yourself. You’ll do well to spread your wings and voice your ideals this year Aquarius, it’s the perfect time to get people on board with your ideas. 

Especially through May – October as Jupiter highlights your 3rd house of communication; whatever Jupiter touches it expands so if you’re using your voice to teach in the workplace it will expand its reach and more people will be onboard than you think. By October as Jupiter transitions back into your 2nd house of money you could think about gaining a raise for your contributions or launching a product to sell based on your ethos.

At the end of the year, we see Mars go retrograde in your 5th house of creativity. You may start to evaluate how you spend your energy getting the message out, think of courses and downloads rather than in person chats to conserve your energy here.


February 19 – March 20 

Sade said: The genie is at your doorstep and has candidly granted you three wishes. What career aspirations have you decided were impossible that could become your reality? This year the spotlight is on you. Wish fulfillment is on the cards, and this will require you to leave the past behind. Your cup is full, just be mindful you don’t burn too much fuel in your pursuit of success.

The special dates for you this year is April 12th and April 30th. Bet on yourself this year, as you may walk on the stage like ‘stars in your eyes’ and come out as your own career idol. Best way to get ahead? Use your imagination to visualize yourself ticking off your career milestones. Research shows our nervous system cannot tell the difference between an imagined experience and a ‘real’ experience.

Julie said: It really looks like a positive year for you guys’ Pisces, you’re known as the dreamer so take the start of the year to visualise what you want from your career as this year it really can manifest for you.

Venus in retrograde at the top of the year for you hits your 11th house of communities and friendships. You could be evaluating your work network at this time, thinking about how you want to expand on this throughout 2022. As the eclipse season’s transitions through your 3rd and 9th houses, through April/May and Oct/Nov you’ll find it easy to communicate and build those networks you desire this year. 

There is a push to learn more so if you’re pulled to go on work related courses, especially those with travel, this year is a great one for that. Jupiter moves into your 2nd house of money through May-October so new opportunities will be presented to you at this time, take them with both hands! Jupiter expands everything it touches so business opportunities, promotions and launches are all great through this period.

It moves back into your first house of self in October, by this time you’ll have a stronger sense of value in who you are and who you want to show up as to your community you’ve built this year.

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