The pretty little town whose high street was named the best in the UK | UK | News

A high street in Wales named as the best in the UK has been praised for its “thriving community” and unique shops.

Treorchy High Street in the former mining town Rhondda in south Wales was given the award in 2020 after competing with rival high streets across the UK.

High Streets Minister Jake Berry said the award reflected “the grit and determination of local people who are dedicated to supporting their communities”.

Treorchy beat two Welsh rivals, Narberth in Pembrokeshire and Swansea, for the title after being nominated by pub landlord Adrian Emmett.

“It’s about our town – it’s about our whole community,” said Mr Emmett, who won an individual High Street Champion award for his efforts in Treorchy.

“Who are we – how dare we, a small little town in the valleys think we can beat the best in Britain?

“But we showed them up – we proved to them, even though we were the underdog, Treorchy is officially the champion high street of Great Britain.”

The high street has around 100 shops with the vast majority of them being independent, small businesses supported in the community.

60 percent are ran by women while the occupancy rate stands at an impressive 96 percent – meaning only two shops are closed while they are being refurbished.

“There’s such a lot of variety here and everyone is so friendly,” Lynette Click, 71, from nearby Ystrad told the BBC.

“There’s some great cafes too. I can get most of what I need locally. Always a nice atmosphere in the shops, cafes and on the street.

“They’re showing everyone else how it can be done. I think we’ve let go of our high streets too easily.”

It comes after a number of high streets in the UK have suffered following a decline in shoppers.

Largely affected by Covid, a number of independent stores were forced to close their doors during the pandemic and struggled to reopen once restrictions had been lifted.

And with the cost of living crisis worsening, thousands of Brits have been forced to cut down on spending, leaving a lot of high streets redundant.

Boarded-up shops have become common on high streets and in shopping centres, with bills at an all-time high and mortgage rates soaring.

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