British WWII warship ‘Keith’ is seen for the first time in 80 years: Scientists use sonar to create a 3D model of the destroyer lying at the bottom of the Dunkirk channel

Six reasons why you NEED to visit Guernsey this autumn, from 27 stunning beaches to WWII time capsules and sea views that inspired French painter Renoir

Filipino math teacher Emma Rotor helped develop crucial WWII weapons tech

Abbott and Costello ‘loved this country,’ used Hollywood fame to support servicemen during WWII: daughter

How long-forgotten British Museum Tube station hosted WWII air raid shelter with unique artwork to keep children happy in the Blitz… but the stop can now only be accessed by walking along Central Line rails

WWII secret agent and Ukrainian resistance fighter discuss female ‘creativity not violence’

99-year-old WWII veteran becomes viral TikTok star – as he returns to Normandy Beach

Art Review: National WWII Museum in New Orleans lehrt Dankbarkeit