The Wildfire Survivors Who Didn’t Want to Be Climate Models

Kritiker kritisieren den Maui Wildfire Fund von Oprah und Dwayne Johnson

Miracle in Maui: SIXTY wildfire survivors are rescued from inside single house, as death toll climbs to 106 and 1,300 remain unaccounted for

Hawaii wildfire death toll grows to 93 as shocking new video shows residents being tossed around in the ocean after diving in to flee the flames – as report reveals Maui officials were warned it was a tinderbox YEARS ago

Why It’s So Hard to Forecast Wildfire Smoke

More than 1,000 evacuated as Portugal wildfire spreads –

Greek PM offers free holidays to tourists as wildfire compensation – POLITICO

The Brief — Up close and personal with wildfire –

Climate change has made dangerous wildfire smoke a more common threat