Revealed: Weight loss jabs like Ozempic have been linked to TWENTY deaths in Britain

Why are so many women told they’re depressed or menopausal when it’s actually their thyroid? And why are others prescribed drugs for the condition when they don’t even need them?

Be warned of the ‘Ozempic wall’! Experts say little-known issue will affect EVERYONE on miracle slimming jabs – and it can kick in after just six weeks

How the new weight-loss drugs may work BETTER than Ozempic and other jabs. So will they really be free of the grim side-effects which mean so many give up within a year or two?

I’m a 41-year-old fitness model and I tried the restrictive carnivore diet for a month – the results were astonishing

How to get Ozempic-style weight loss without the weekly jabs – by a top Harley Street nutritionist

Illinois woman who vomited so violently after using Ozempic that she tore her ESOPHAGUS joins huge legal fight against maker of blockbuster weight loss drug – as Novo Nordisk braces for up to 10,000 lawsuits

Around the World in 80 Weighs: Obese Britons decide they’re not so big after all as they visit Tonga where they’re overwhelmed by the portions sizes and even advise a 300kg woman to ‘check’ her diet

Am I just greedy or is the ‘Fatso Gene’ to blame? Sick of January diets, CLAUDIA CONNELL tries a revolutionary new approach to weight loss – and can’t believe the result

Woman will suffer diarrhea FOREVER after Ozempic caused horror bowel injury – and weight loss drug made another vomit until her teeth fell out, claim dozens of lawsuits saying maker failed to warn of its dangers