Inside Meghan’s first punt at lifestyle guru status: The Duchess’s former blog The Tig featured very candid confessions about her ‘brutal 20s’, commentary on ‘Princess Kate’s wedding’ and ‘never fitting in’

Inside Lady Gabriella’s wedding to Thomas Kingston at St George’s chapel – with Queen Elizabeth as guest of honour – as she mourns his sudden death, aged 45

What happened when we relived our car crash wedding night nearly three decades later in the same hotel room… Inspired by the West End’s Plaza Suite, ANNA MAXTED and her husband Phil return to the scene of their nuptials

This Fashion Editor Wore a Silk Suit & Vintage Earrings for Her Two-Day Wedding

How Meghan Markle’s style has changed from boho island girl to Hollywood glam since her first wedding in Jamaica 13 years ago

Bride who carried on with her wedding after being jilted reveals she’s ready to date again 16 months after being abandoned at the altar

Gabriel von Sister Wives sagt: „Brown Family war zurück“ bei Christine Wedding

Prince Abdul Mateen’s bride Anisha Rosnah looks elegant in a white lace gown for Berbedak Mandi ceremony on sixth day of royal wedding

Drew Barrymore weint, als er „The Wedding Singer“ im Fernsehen sieht

Here come the society brides (and grooms)! Norway’s Princess Märtha Louise, the Duke of Westminster and the granddaughter of the last Shah of Iran will all tie the knot this year (but whose wedding will come out on top?)