The heartbreaking egg-freezing scandals that show how vulnerable IVF and fertility treatments are to error

Emmanuel Macron warns of the ‘return of Islamist terrorism’ and says ‘all European states are vulnerable’ after ISIS fanatic gunned down two Swedish football fans in Brussels and teacher was knifed to death in France

How Covid lockdowns opened Pandora’s box of diseases: From old foes like polio to new enemies like monkeypox – how avoiding common germs left us MORE vulnerable to outbreaks

Thousands of Britons in ‘vulnerable’ position of relying on state pension | Personal Finance | Finance

Mortgage rates calculated: UK regions most vulnerable to Base Rate hike | Personal Finance | Finance

The Clean Energy Transition Is “Vulnerable to Abuse by Malicious Actors” – Mother Jones

Ofgem plans to require energy suppliers to offer extended service for vulnerable customers | Personal Finance | Finance

Why Amazon’s Delivery Network Is Vulnerable to Labor Strife

Your Weekly Love Horoscope Says You’re Ready to Own Your Emotional Truth & Be Vulnerable

Calls grow for health chiefs to give anti-Covid drug Evusheld green light and protect vulnerable