What’s stranger than appearing in a lesbian sex scene directed by your son? Watching it with TWO of your exes! Liz Hurley joins son Damian and her former partners Hugh Grant and Arun Nayar at London screening of Strictly Confidential

Trinny Woodall legt in einem weiten silbernen Abendkleid und gelben High Heels einen glamourösen Auftritt hin, als sie an der Up Next Gala des National Theatre teilnimmt

Ich bin eine prominente Visagistin und das ist alles, was man mit Make-up-Pinseln falsch macht

Elizabeth Hurley kichert auf der Rückbank eines Taxis, während sie mit ihrer Freundin Trinny Woodall das Abendessen im schicken Mayfair Private Members Club genießt

Trinny Woodall shares her top Christmas tips including how to get glowing skin in SEVEN days and makeup advice for that all important festive party

Mode-Guru Trinny Woodall behauptet, 16 IVF-Runden hätten sie im Alter von nur 43 Jahren in die frühen Wechseljahre geführt, was ihr ihr „Mojo“ geraubt habe.

Working mums going through the menopause who have reinvented themselves as fitness influencers… And they know EXACTLY how hard it is to find the time – and energy – to exercise

Trinny Woodall’s demons: TV stylist was kicked out of rehab for watching porn, her ex-husband killed himself and she felt ‘on her own’ during relationship with Charles Saatchi – but she’s now reinvented herself with £180m cosmetics firm

TRINNY WOODALL: Yes you CAN look beautiful at EVERY age… and here’s how!

Trinny Woodall looks as stylish as ever as she poses with her lookalike daughter Lyla, 19, during girly trip to Florence: ‘Such special times!’