Japan’s earthquake horror sparks panic buying after tens of thousands of homes were destroyed in west coast disaster zone and at least 48 people killed – with warnings MORE strong quakes are coming

The TikTok mistress of reinvention who scammed thousands: Serial fraudster Carrie Jade Williams claimed to be a prize-winning writer, autism guru and terminal illness sufferer – before her cruel lies were finally uncovered

Top Turkish dentist hits back at critics: ‘Brits have the world’s WORST teeth thanks to failing NHS dental care and thousands come to us in desperation – it’s shocking to see’

Is this AI video ACTUALLY Kendall Jenner? Thousands duped by Meta bot that experts insist is the REAL celebrity

I flood-proofed my home after £195k damage: Owners can get grants worth thousands to help defend properties

Eyewall of monster CAT-2 Hurricane Idalia batters Florida’s Big Bend as 16ft storm surge floods homes and leaves over 215,000 without power amid FIFTEEN tornado warnings: Tens of thousands flee north

UK air traffic control ‘don’t seem like they’re fully on top of the situation’, say experts – amid warnings that travel chaos will last for days with thousands of passengers stranded by catastrophic IT failure

Europe’s new front line against Putin: With thousands of Wagner mercenaries amassing, SUE REID reveals how Poland is building the EU’s largest army to counter the threat

Haitians march on Port-au-Prince by the thousands as gang violence fatigue boils over

Homeowners see thousands wiped off their house price value as one area loses an average of £15,000 in a year