What your most terrifying nightmares REALLY mean – and how to train yourself to turn them into happy dreams, by a top brain surgeon in a fascinating new book

The NHS surgeon on a mission to save us all from TikTok’s snake-oil peddlers: Dr Karan Rajan reveals HIS health hacks that may save your life – from how to sit on the loo to not pulling out nose hair

How to keep your prostate healthy? Have more sex, even without a partner: One of five essential tips every man should follow, writes consultant surgeon NEIL BARBER

Mutilated by a cut price cosmetic surgeon in Turkey: Sara thought she’d found a bargain abroad. But now she has holes in her stomach and suffers constant pain – and, as these alarming stories reveal, she’s far from the only victim

I’m a plastic surgeon – here is the Kardashian who has had the most work done

Die Social-Media-Warnung des Surgeon General und die existenziellen Risiken der KI

Plastic surgeon weighs in on beauty trend ‘traptox’ – which sees women getting Botox in SHOULDERS

Der I Am a Surgeon TikTok Trend, erklärt