Der Körper von Super Size Me-Star Morgan Spurlock verändert sich deutlich, nachdem sie einen Monat lang bei McDonald’s gegessen hat | Promi-News | Showbiz & TV

Man with Britain’s largest penis reveals why he won’t get size reduction surgery despite all the downsides

In my teens I barely ate and felt too big even as a size 6. Now 15 million follow my deliciously indulgent baking recipes

What your face says about you, according to science: Interactive chart reveals how people perceive you based on everything from the size of your cheeks to the movement of your eyes

Why do women hate it when their ‘fat friend’ loses weight? Sarah-Jane Clark went from 22 stone to nine stone – then her slim friends started making catty remarks and one even ditched her completely when they reached the same dress size

Why having a baby at 51 was far easier than being a mum at 21. So says Renee… and this time around she was discharged within 24 hours – wearing her pre-pregnancy size 8 jeans!

Revealed: The 5 asteroids set to come ‘dangerously close’ to Earth this year – including a huge space rock the size of the Golden Gate Bridge

EXCLUSIVE America’s ‘cancer road’: Fifteen people diagnosed, seven dead and tumors ‘the size of basketballs’ – every family along this two-mile stretch in rural Minnesota has been blighted by disease

Scientists sound alarm as NASA says small chance asteroid ‘Bennu’ the size of the Empire State Building could smash into earth: ‘It would be like unleashing 24 atomic bombs’