Apple fans left divided by new iOS 18 – with some in awe by ‘mind boggling’ new tools while others are concerned it will increase cheating in relationships

iOS 18: MailOnline’s guide to the most exciting features coming in Apple’s huge iPhone update – including AI-generated ‘genmoji’, hidden apps, and the ability to pay someone by touching your phones together

How AI cops are ALREADY patrolling Britain’s streets: From ‘the eye in the sky’ to facial recognition surveillance in supermarkets – the Orwellian technologies being used to tackle crime

Two new ‘alien’ mummies from Peru are revealed – and they could be shipped to US for DNA tests

Revealed: The 7 ways your iPhone can expose you as a cheater – as an unfaithful husband who arranged meetings with prostitutes via iMessages is caught out by his wife

Pentagon official reveals tantalizing seven-minute encounter with glowing blue UFO – which emitted enough energy to ‘power a small city’

World’s first beauty pageant for AI women reveals shortlist of 10 computer-generated ladies facing off – with a $20,000 prize at stake

Why haven’t aliens contacted us? Scientists reveal their theories for the lack of any signs from extraterrestrials – despite ‘100% chance’ that they exist

The haunting connection between UFOs and America’s nuclear weapons is laid bare in fascinating new study which concludes: They’re trying to stop us from annihilating ourselves

Watch the moment two astronauts enter the International Space Station following a late arrival aboard Boeing’s problem-plagued Starliner capsule