Reparations in America: How cities from San Francisco to Wilmington are trying to get it done

Zwei Mitglieder treten aus Detroits Chaotic Reparations Task Force zurück | Video

Explosive twist in Uluru Statement of the Heart debate as Jacinta Price says the document is 26 pages calling for reparations and a re-write of Australian history NOT one – after Anthony Albanese rubbished the claim as a ‘QANon conspiracy’

The End of Legacy Admissions Could Transform College Access

African, Caribbean nations join forces to call for reparations for slavery –

Der Vorsitzende der Georgia Reparations Task Force habe versucht, Mitglieder davon abzuhalten, mit den Medien zu sprechen, behauptet Fulton-Kommissar

Die California Reparations Task Force fordert die Beseitigung der Unterhaltsschulden für schwarze Einwohner