„Miss Peregrine“-Autorin Ransom Riggs kündigt neue Fantasy-Serie „Sunderworld“ an

Junior doctors stage SIX-DAY walkout in NHS’ longest ever strike: Medics accused of ‘act of cruelty’ and ‘holding NHS to ransom’ by striking at busiest time of year – with more than 200,000 appointments at risk

EXCLUSIVE: Twiglet the Dachshund may have been stolen from £1.2m home in bid to hold millionaire owners to ransom by ‘fake delivery driver’ – as puppy is returned just over 24 hours after CCTV captured theft

Skull Session: Xavier Johnson kann alles, Lathan Ransom plädiert für den Jim Thorpe Award und Terry McLaurins Weg in die NFL war anders

Sprecher des haitianischen Kreols begrüßen die Übersetzung von „The Ransom“.