Electrical brain implants may help patients with severe brain injuries

How NHS waiting lists are driving patients to cash in pensions or sell their homes to pay for operations they desperately need

Israel-Hamas LIVE: Israeli soldiers storm Gaza’s al Shifa hospital in ‘targeted operation’ to root out Hamas terrorists as doctors inside describe ‘terrifying’ situation for trapped patients

A global call for policy action – POLITICO

Scandal of the NHS ‘never-events’: Bungling hospital medics are wrongly removing ovaries and leaving drill bits INSIDE patients once a day, shocking audit reveals… so is YOUR trust one of the worst offenders?

Israel says it has split Gaza in two, creating a north-south divide, and surrounded Gaza City after revealing ‘evidence of Hamas using hospitals as military HQs with patients used as human shields’

Cure for HIV could be months away as first three patients are injected with new CRISPR therapy that seeks and destroys lingering pieces of virus

What My Infant Son Taught Me About Caring for My Patients in the ICU

Price of worst strike in NHS history laid bare: ‘Devastated’ patients left in tears as they face weeks of suffering while waiting for new appointments and warn lives are at risk due to mass medic walkouts

Alarm as health minister Maria Caufield claims sending patients home from hospital early was really ‘working’ as readers reveal their horrifying stories