Israelis raze Palestinian pizzeria to the ground after it used picture of kidnapped grandmother in mocking advert

EXCLUSIVE: Jo Malone’s SON helps lead Harvard Palestinian group behind outrageous letter that blamed Israel for Hamas massacre

How Hamas-supporting medics are lurking within our NHS – including a doctor who mocked Israeli festival-goers who fled Palestinian gunmen

Gigi Hadid breaks her silence on Hamas Israel attacks: Palestinian supermodel condemns ‘terrorizing of innocent people’ under the Free Palestine movement but says she has ‘deep sympathy and heartbreak’ for her people living ‘under occupation’

Israel demolishes West Bank home of Palestinian man who allegedly shot and killed 2 Israeli brothers

Palestinian Kills Israeli in Tel Aviv, a Day After West Bank Violence

At Least 5 People Killed in a Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon

The Destruction of This Palestinian Community Was Green-Lighted by Israel’s Supreme Court

In Israel, Palestinian Imprisonment Continues Even After Death

Palestinian Resistance Tore Down the Green Line Long Ago