Is Britain at risk of its own bed bug plague? Freakish outbreak ravaging Paris sparks crisis meetings after official warns ‘no-one is safe’

Urgent warning to parents over mysterious E. coli outbreak that has killed one Brit and hospitalised six – as health chiefs say it is predominantly striking kids

Scientists at Porton Down super-lab are preparing for bird flu to jump to humans – as secretive site is ‘getting the tools ready’ for an outbreak of deadly H5N1 bird flu

MARKET REPORT: Summer flu outbreak and easing of Covid curbs in China boost sales at painkiller seller Haleon

Decoding the data of the Chinese mpox outbreak

China sequenced Covid days before world even knew of deadly outbreak | Science | News

16 People Sick in Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Ground Beef

Salmonella outbreak linked to ground beef in Northeast sickens 16, hospitalizes 6

Meet Dennis Oya, Patient Zero of the TB Outbreak Sweeping Washington’s Prisons

GP crisis blamed for exacerbating Strep A outbreak in Britain