Nurses experience violent attacks at Seattle Children’s Hospital, say they want protection and support

‘My mother’s instinct told me to check on my daughter. I saw Lucy Letby standing by my baby’s cot, then all hell let loose’: Parents believe their daughter was one of killer nurse’s first victims

Haitians protest American nurse’s kidnapping: ‘She is doing good work’

NHS will be short of 570,000 nurses, doctors and dentists within 15 years

NHS salary: Are UK nurses paid more than those in Europe?

NHS’s biggest ever strike kicks off: Up to 40,000 nurses and ambulance workers take to picket lines

NHS strikes: Nursing union putting patients at risk, UK’s top nurses warn

Rishi Sunak WON’T give NHS nurses extra cash despite Tory pressure

NHS nurses strike: Up to 60 PER CENT of ops were cancelled

What nurses REALLY think about devastating NHS-wide strikes